Provider communications and engagement offer


Working alongside providers and partners we reviewed a range of communications and engagement formats that are either funded, authored, or co-ordinated by ASCH and are targeted at independent sector providers. 

You can sign up for our adult social care provider email bulletin which has stories about workforce, wellbeing, service news, training and development, events, and opportunities to ‘have your say’. 

Overall, providers have been positive about how we have supported them to stay up to date on frequent and complex developments in social care policy, guidance, and funding opportunities. We intend to retain that offer of communications support and expand opportunities for providers to engage and collaborate with us.

Which communication or engagement formats are suitable for my service type?

We know that there are a vast range of information sources available to providers. Where possible, ASCH will try to tailor and segment the information we share based on the type of services you provide, or the client groups you support. 

This table indicates which of our communication or engagement formats are suitable for different service types. For information about any of the formats listed below, please click the links in the left-hand column of the table, which will take you to the relevant section. Please note that some forums are accessible by invitation only. 

Communication and engagement formats
Format Care homes Day services Home care PAs Supported living VCSE
ASC Provider Bulletin Y Y Y Y Y Y
Autism Partnership Board Y Y Y Y Y Y
LD day opportunities network Y
E Sussex Care Homes Group Y
E Sussex Mental Health Action Group Y Y Y Y Y
E Sussex Registered Managers Network Y Y Y Y
LD Partnership Board Y Y Y Y Y Y
Market Position Statement Y Y Y Y Y Y
Safe in East Sussex bulletin Y Y Y Y Y Y
Safer Communities Board Y Y Y Y Y

Further information and contacts

This section provides key information about each communication or engagement format. If you are interested in accessing any of these please take note of the target audience, access route, and get in touch with ASCH using the contact listed.

Adult Social Care Provider Bulletin

Autism Partnership Board

Day opportunities network: Learning disability

Key information
Target audience Learning Disability day service providers supporting adult social care clients.
Frequency Ad hoc
Location Virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams
Topics covered Providing a networking opportunity. Initially facilitated in response to pandemic and to share best practice ideas.
Access Invitation only
Contact Day services lead

East Sussex Care Homes Group

East Sussex Mental Health Action Group

East Sussex Registered Managers Network

Learning Disability Partnership Board

Market Position Statement

Key information
Target audience Adult social care providers
Frequency As required, based on market shaping priorities and local trends in social care supply and demand.
Location Digital, ESCC web pages
Topics covered Contains an assessment and summary of adult social care supply and demand in East Sussex, signals ASCH commissioning intentions, and the current and future business opportunities within the care market.
Access Open access: Market Position Statement
Contact ASCH Commissioning

Safe in East Sussex bulletin

Safer Communities Board

Any other feedback or queries?

If you have any queries or comments about the ASCH provider communications and engagement offer, including any formats not listed in this briefing, please email the Policy Unit.

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