Leaving hospital
Once your stay in hospital is over, you will usually go home.
- If you cannot go home alone a hospital social worker can give you help and advice.
- If you received care and support services before being admitted, the nurse looking after you will arrange for these to be restarted once you return home.
- If your care and support needs have changed during your stay, you will be referred to Adult Social Care for a review of your needs.
- If you did not receive care and support services before, but may need help when you get home, your nurse will contact a hospital social worker. They will arrange an assessment of your needs.
There are a range of services that can help you recover after a hospital stay. These include reablement, rehabilitation and the district nurse service.
Reablement – regaining your daily living skills
'Reablement' is the word we use to describe the service that helps you to regain mobility and daily living skills after a hospital stay.
For more information, see: Mobility and daily living skills.
If you no longer need hospital care but you cannot return home alone, the hospital staff will refer you to us.
You will be admitted to an intermediate care unit. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists will assess you. They will work out a programme of activities to help you. Many people can return home after two weeks of care, often with some further home care support.
District nurse
District nurses provide healthcare to people in the community or at home. This may include giving medication, wound care, continence support, leg ulcer care and catheter management. You or your carer will still need to collect any medication from your local pharmacy.
How much will it cost?
The amount you will pay depends on your needs and financial situation. For more information, see: Paying for care.
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