1. Overview
Equalities Impact Assessment Overview
Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) aims to make services and public policy better for all service-users and staff and supports value for money by getting council services right first time.
We use EqIAs to enable us to consider all relevant information from an equality requirements perspective when procuring or restructuring a service or introducing a new policy or strategy. This analysis of impacts is then reflected in the relevant action plan to get the best outcomes for the Council, its staff and service-users.
EqIAs are used to analyse and assess how the Council’s work might impact differently on different groups of people. EqIAs help the Council to make good decisions for its service-users, staff and residents and provide evidence that those decision conform with the Council’s obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
Policy Overview
Overview Item | Overview detail |
Title | East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4 |
Team | Infrastructure Planning & Place |
Directorate | Communities, Economy and Transport |
Description |
The East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) sets out the County wide transport strategy, establishing and communicating the transport policies and priorities for the County, including objectives, policies, and plans for transport improvements. LTP4 also includes an Investment Plan, outlining how LTP4 will be delivered. (Local Transport Plans are statutory documents and must be compliant with Department for Transport guidance.) Why are we reviewing our Local Transport Plan? LTP4 has replaced the third Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026. The review has been influenced by several major changes in Government policy and priorities at a local, regional, sub-national and national level. The vision for LTP4 is: “An inclusive transport system that connects people and places, is decarbonised, safer, resilient, and supports our natural environment, communities and businesses to be healthy, thrive and prosper”. |