Appendix A - Survey questions on the strategy
The questions asked during the consultation are presented below. Sections A and G questions have been summarised. All other sections have the questions written in full.
Closed questions are those where the respondent ticks the appropriate answer. In this survey all closed questions in sections B, C, D, E and F had response options of:
- Strongly agree
- Somewhat agree
- Neither agree or disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Strongly disagree
- Do not know
- Do not wish to answer
Open questions are where a respondent can write their own response. The online survey had a limit of 3,000 characters for these questions.
Section A – Respondent information
- A1 – What is your name?
- A2 – What is your email address?
- A3 – What is your main mode of travel for everyday journeys?
- A4 – Who are you responding on behalf of?
- A5 – What is the name of your business, organisation or group?
- A6 – Please identify whether you are [an elected representative].
Section B – Vision and objectives
- B1 - How strongly do you agree or disagree with our vision for East Sussex? (Closed question)
- B2 - Does objective 1 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B3 - Does objective 2 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B4 - Does objective 3 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B5 - Does objective 4 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B6 - Does objective 5 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B7 - Does objective 6 and its outcomes support our vision? (Closed question)
- B8 - Do you wish to explain or add detail to any responses for questions in section B? (Open question)
Section C – Principles and policies
- C1 - How strongly do you agree or disagree with the principles that underpin LTP4? (Closed question)
- C2 - Do the policies in Theme A support objectives 3 and 4 (assuming sufficient funding)? (Closed question)
- C3 - Do the policies in Theme B support objective 2 (assuming sufficient funding)? (Closed question)
- C4 - Do the policies in Theme C support objective 1 (assuming sufficient funding)? (Closed question)
- C5 - Do the policies in Theme D support objectives 5 and 6 (assuming sufficient funding)? (Closed question)
- C6 - Do you wish to explain or add detail to any responses in section C? (Open question)
Section D – Implementation Plan
- D1 - How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme A? (Closed question)
- D2 - How strongly do you agree or disagree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme B? (Closed question)
- D3 - How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme C? (Closed question)
- D4 - How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme D? (Closed question)
- D5 - Have we missed any interventions that will deliver on Themes A, B, C and D? (Open question)
Section E – Supporting assessments
- E1 - Do you have any feedback on the Integrated Impact Assessment? (Open question)
- E2 - Do you have any feedback on the Health Impact Assessment? (Open question)
- E3 - Do you have any feedback on the Strategic Environment Assessment? (Open question)
- E4 - Do you have any feedback on the Habitats Regulation Assessment? (Open question)
- E5 - Do you have any feedback on the Equalities Impact Assessment? (Open question)
Section F – Overall support / further comments
- F1 - To what extent do you support or not support the East Sussex draft Local Transport Plan? (Closed question)
- F2 - Do you have any further comments, not covered in the previous questions, that you wish to make? (Open question)
Section G - 'About you’ equalities monitoring questions.
- G1 – What age are you?
- G2 – What is your gender?
- G3 – Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
- G4 – What is your ethnic group?
- G5 – Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
- G6 – What is your religion or belief?
- G7 – Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?
- G7b – Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
- G7c – if ‘yes’ please state the condition or illness.
- G8 – Please tell us your postcode.