7. Actions following feedback


This section summarises the Councils responses to the feedback received during the stage 2 consultation.

A summary of the key changes to the strategy and Implementation Plan are summarised below.

Key changes to the strategy

  • Relocated and strengthened the reference to ‘decide and provide’ approach set out in the strategy.
  • Improved references to engagement and communication, specifically around scheme development.
  • Improved references relating to different users (people walking, wheeling and cycling, equestrian users).
  • Strengthened references regarding travel behaviour change.
  • Improved references to accessing healthcare.
  • Highlighted that the opportunities for infrastructure and service improvements, specifically for active travel and buses, will be included as part of the review of the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) and the Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
  • Strengthened the references to sustainable development and links to recent updates to district and boroughs Local Plans.
  • Reviewed highway maintenance and links to active travel.
  • Strengthened references to coastal management and flooding and links to transport infrastructure.
  • Strengthened reference to biodiversity net gain and the local nature recovery strategy.
  • Referenced emerging strategic priorities – new national government

Key changes to the Implementation Plan

  • Amended name to an ‘Investment Plan’ and restructured document. This change reflects the aspirational nature of the LTP, the unsecured funding status of interventions and the title aligns with that used by the Transport for the South East.
  • Highlighted LTP4 is an aspirational strategy that will be used to secure investment (but needs to demonstrate ambition to help secure funding).
  • Deliverability, strengthen references to the availability of funding (especially in the current financial climate) and that the plan is subject to the ability of East Sussex County Council and their partners in seeking and securing funding.
  • Strengthened text focussed on scheme scale (i.e. localised measures or strategic schemes) and likely types of funding that will be required to be secured.
  • Strengthened explanation of the roles and responsibilities in delivering the plan, with a separate section
  • New sub section covering engagement and consultation to demonstrate the approaches that may be required to bring schemes forward that align with a stronger policy context relating to the decarbonisation of transport.
  • New sub section on the governance of the LTP4 in terms of the management of the delivery and the continued engagement with officers and stakeholders who have supported the development of LTP4.
  • Renamed monitoring and evaluation section to ‘measuring success’ to potentially include specific indicators to enable monitoring (but not targets as the plan is subject to funding being secured).