Hire charges

DVD and CD hire charges table
Type Loan length Amount
Adult DVD  1 week £2.50
Children’s DVD no charge -
DVD box sets 2 weeks £5
Music CD 1 week £1
eBook and audiobook hire charges
Item Loan length Amount
eBooks 3 weeks No charge
Audiobooks up to 8 CDs or tapes 3 weeks £1.30
Audiobooks over 8 CDs or tapes 3 weeks £1.70
Audiobooks MP3 Playaways 3 weeks £1.30
eAudiobooks MP3 downloads 3 weeks No charge
eAudiobooks WMA downloads 3 weeks No charge
Other items
Item Loan length Amount
Playset 6 weeks £1.50
Scores 3 months £30
Scores Each additional month after 3 month loan £30

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