Landowners and occupiers

  • Stiles and gates should be safe to use and not obstruct the path. Gates should not be locked. Stile kits can be ordered from the Rights of Way Team.
  • Trees, hedges and fences alongside paths should not obstruct the path or reduce the width. They should not pose a safety risk to path users.

  • Obstructions and encroachment – paths should not be obstructed or encroached in any way. This includes anything that will prevent path users accessing the path or post a risk to them.
  • Ploughing and cropping - paths across arable fields should be available and visible at all times. For example, by marking them out with a tractor. Crops should be cleared to at least 1 metre for a footpath, or 2 metres for a bridleway. Headlands paths should be at least 1.5m for a footpath or 3 metres for bridleways.

  • Animals known to be dangerous should not be kept on land where a right of way crosses. Bulls over 10 months old should not be kept on land where a right of way crosses. With the exception of beef bulls, but they must be accompanied by cows or heifers.
  • Misleading or intimidating signs that deter path users must not be on or next to a public right of way. Please contact us for guidance of appropriate wording.

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