Byways open to all traffic

Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs) can be used by walkers, cyclists, horse riders, horse-drawn vehicles, motorbikes, quad bikes, 4x4s and other cars.

BOATs are sometimes called ‘green lanes’ – although this term has no legal standing. In East Sussex, BOAT's make up around 2% of the rights of way network.

Managing byways

Many BOATs have a natural or unsealed surface. This means that they can be prone to damage during wet weather.

To help protect vulnerable BOAT surfaces, East Sussex County Council may ‘seasonally close’ a byway to 4-wheeled and other vehicles during the winter months. For more information, see our seasonal byway restrictions list

Our use of seasonal closures, and other byway management approaches, is defined in our Byway Management Policy [1.3 MB] [pdf]

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