Parental Declaration

In submitting this appeal, I confirm:

  • I have parental responsibility. (We can only accept an appeal from those who do. For more detail, see Section A2 of our Parents Appeal Guidance [238.7 KB] [pdf]).
  • that the information in my appeal is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false or misleading information I provide may make this appeal invalid.
  • I understand that if I do not attend the hearing or send a representative, the Panel will hear my appeal using the information I have provided, along with any other information submitted.
  • I understand that the School Appeals Service will communicate with me using the email address provided. This will include details of:
    1. my appeal date and time
    2. the paperwork from the admission authority explaining why my application was refused (when available)
    3. the decision of the Independent Appeal Panel (when available)

You will be able to log in at any time and view your appeal form and the extra information you gave.

East Sussex County Council respects your privacy rights. For more details about how we will deal with your personal details, see Section A6 of our Parents Appeal Guidance [238.7 KB] [pdf].