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You can state preferences for 3 different schools for your child.
To help you decide where to apply, you should find out as much as you can about individual schools. For example, think about:
- how we allocate places
- how your child will get to and from school
- The school's community area
Find my community area (primary and junior)
Every Community and Voluntary Controlled school in East Sussex has a ‘community area’. Children who live in this area have priority for admission to that school ahead of children living outside the area. Some own-admission authority schools and academies use community areas as well.
Living in a community area does not guarantee your child a place.
You can find a community area by using our searchable maps:
For the best results, locate an address by typing the address or a postcode into the search bar. Once found, click on the map to reveal the community area for that location. You can zoom in and out by using +/- buttons. Some locations are in more than one community area.
You can also email your full address to Admissions and Transport to see which community area you live in
Other own admission authority schools and academies prioritise children according to other criteria. These schools are shown in brackets in the list below. Although they are shown in the community area map, children living in the area will not have priority for places ahead of children living outside it.
Some schools share a community area. These areas are described by the name of the town they are in and are in the list below.
Shared community areas
Bexhill Primary Schools
- All Saints CE Primary School
- Chantry Community Primary School
- (Glenleigh Park Primary Academy)
- (King Offa Primary Academy)
- Little Common School
- (Pebsham Primary Academy)
- (St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School)
- (St Peter and St Paul CE Primary School)
Crowborough Primary Schools
- Ashdown Primary School
- Jarvis Brook School
- (St Johns CE Primary School)
- (St Mary’s RC Primary School)
- (Sir Henry Fermor CE Primary Academy)
Eastbourne Primary Schools
- Bourne Primary School
- (The Cavendish School uses secondary area)
- (Gildredge House School has own area)
- (Heron Park Primary Academy)
- Langney Primary Academy
- Motcombe Community School
- (Oakwood Primary Academy)
- Ocklynge Junior Academy
- Parkland Infant School
- Parkland Junior School
- Pashley Down Infant School
- Roselands Infant School
- St Andrew’s CE Infant School
- (St John’s Meads CE Primary Academy)
- (St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School)
- Shinewater Primary Academy
- Stafford Junior School
- (The Haven CE/Methodist Primary School)
- Tollgate Community Junior School
- West Rise Community Infant School
- West Rise Junior School
Hailsham Primary Schools
- (Burfield Academy)
- Grovelands Community School
- Hailsham Community College Primary Academy
- (Hawkes Farm Academy)
- Hellingly Community Primary School
- (Phoenix Academy)
- (White House Academy)
Hastings primary schools
- (All Saints CE Junior Academy)
- Ark Blacklands Primary Academy
- Ark Castledown Primary Academy
- Ark Little Ridge Primary Academy
- The Baird Primary Academy
- (Christ Church CE Primary Academy)
- Churchwood Community Primary Academy
- Dudley Infant Academy
- Hollington Primary Academy
- (Ore Village Primary Academy)
- Robsack Wood Primary Academy
- (Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School)
- St Leonards CE Primary Academy
- (St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School)
- St Paul’s CE Primary Academy
- Sandown Primary School
- Silverdale Primary Academy
- West St Leonards Primary Academy
Heathfield primary schools
- All Saints and St Richards CE Primary School
- Cross in Hand CE Primary School
- Parkside Community Primary School
Lewes primary schools
- South Malling CE Primary School
- Southover CE Primary School
- Wallands Community Primary School
- Western Road Community Primary School
Newhaven primary schools
- (Breakwater Academy)
- Harbour Primary and Nursery School
- (High Cliff Academy)
Peacehaven primary schools
- Meridian Primary School
- (Peacehaven Heights Primary School)
- (Telscombe Cliffs Community Primary School)
Seaford primary schools
- (Annecy Catholic Primary School)
- Chyngton School
- Cradle Hill Community Primary School
- Seaford Primary School
Uckfield primary schools
- Harlands Primary School
- (Little Horsted CE Primary School)
- Manor Primary School
- Rocks Park Primary School
- (St Philip’s Catholic Primary School)
Schools which are not in this list have their own area which is clearly labelled in the searchable maps. For confirmation of the community area serving your address please email Admissions and Transport team giving the exact address and detailing which age group you wish to enquire about.
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