Apply for a secondary school place

Find the right school

To help you decide where to apply, you should find out as much as you can about individual schools. For example, think about:

  • how we allocate places
  • how your child will get to and from school
  • the school's community area. You can also email your full address to the Admissions  and Transport team to see what community area you live in:

Find a secondary school in East Sussex and see admission number for each secondary school in 2024.

See Apply for a school place 2024 to 2025 for more guidance.

How school admissions work

You will need to apply for a place at the school you would like your child to attend – it doesn’t happen automatically.

You can name up to 3 different schools. Listing more than one:

  • won’t affect your first preference – we always offer the highest we can
  • will increase your chances of an offer at a school you prefer.

See how places are offered to find out what is and isn’t taken into account.

Admissions for children with special educational needs. (East Sussex Local Offer website)

Applying during the school year

If you have moved house or want to switch schools, you can apply for a school place during the academic year. 

See Applying during the school year.

Applying from overseas

In most cases, foreign national children in the UK have the right to attend schools in England.

See Applications for overseas children before applying.

When to apply

  • Apply online now.  
  • The deadline for applying was 31 October 2023.   

What happens if you apply late

If you apply after the closing date, we will not be able to deal with the application until we have processed all on time preferences. This may affect your chances of securing a preferred school.

If you move into the area after the closing date you should apply for a school place as soon as possible. If you send us evidence of your house move at the same time we may be able to consider this application as being on-time. We must receive your form and evidence by 31 January 2023.

If you apply after this date there is likely to be a delay in our response.

See Late applications.

When you'll find out

  • National offer day: 1 March 2024
  • Appeal hearings: June and July 2024
  • Induction days: summer term 2024

Find out what happens after you have applied.

Getting help

For help to complete the form, ask:

How to apply

The easiest way to apply for a secondary school place in East Sussex is online.

If you are new to the system, you will need to create an account to get started. You can save your progress and sign in to your school account at any time.

See How do I create an account?

When you submit your application we will email you to confirm receipt.

If you can’t apply online

Please contact the Admissions and Transport team for a paper application. You can also download a copy below. Complete your form and send it to:

Admissions and Transport Team
County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent
Lewes BN7 1UE
Phone: 0300 33 09 472 between 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday
Email: Admissions and Transport team

If we receive more than one application for the same child before the closing date, we will use the latest application submitted.

East Sussex schools application form [88.9 KB] [docx]

If your child is being taught out of their age group

If your child is being taught out of their age group you will also need the agreement of your preferred secondary schools for this to continue. You will need to complete a request form [87.6 KB] [docx] and send this to the Admissions Team.

You should do this before the normal admissions round closes for your child’s normal age group. This will be on 31 October of the year your child starts year 5, rather than year 6. This is so you know the outcome of the decision in time to submit an application for your child’s normal age group, should your request be turned down.

We would recommend discussing your request with your preferred schools before applying.

It will be the decision of the admission authority for each of your preferred schools to decide whether to agree to this request.

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