The East Sussex Children and Young People's Trust
The Children and Young People’s Trust (CYP Trust) is a local partnership.
It brings together many organisations who all have a stake in improving outcomes for children, young people and families. They include:
- East Sussex County Council
- voluntary and community sector
- district and borough councils
- schools and colleges
- independent housing providers
- police and fire services
- local businesses
Children’s Services, East Sussex County Council has the lead role for facilitating the CYP Trust.
We recognise that each organisation is just one part of a whole system. By working effectively together we can:
- make best use of the resources available
- provide support where it is most needed
Decision-making is shared through partnership groups. In these groups we:
- monitor and keep track of the Children and Young People’s Plan
- engage in discussion and challenge
- share and review data
- raise awareness of specific issues
- develop joint strategies
The governance structure of the CYP Trust has changed over time. It has responded to legislation and local demand. Governance and monitoring of progress of the Children and Young People’s Plan for our priority areas for this Plan are linked to:
- each key priority
- its relevant governance approach