Funding help for young carers
Young carer’s personal budget
You can apply for funding if you are under 18 and the person you care for is an adult.
This is a one-off sum of money towards the cost of something specific that will support you.
This could be:
- educational resources
- leisure/respite activities
- something to keep you healthy and active
Get in touch with East Sussex Young Carers for more information and a needs assessment.
Whole Family Budget
Limited funding is available for one-off items or short-term services from the Whole Family Budget to help:
adults who have care and support needs including mental health and/or drug and/or alcohol use where there is an impact on their parenting responsibilities
adults and their wider family network who have a caring role for a disabled child/children that impacts on their parenting responsibilities towards that child and / or other children
Contact the Whole Family Budget team to see if you qualify for support and how to apply.