Council tax
All enquiries about council tax payments for East Sussex should be made to your local district or borough council.
- Hastings Borough Council – Council tax
- Lewes and Eastbourne Councils – Council tax
- Rother District Council – Council tax
- Wealden District Council – Council tax
If you’re not sure which district or borough council to contact, find out here:
What does it pay for and who pays it?
Council tax helps to pay for services provided by East Sussex County Council, Sussex Police, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, district and borough councils, town and parish councils.
It should be paid on most domestic properties, including caravans and houseboats. Usually the residents (owners or tenants) are liable to pay it but there are some exceptions. A more detailed analysis of council tax liability is available from the Citizens Advice Bureau:
How is it calculated?
The amount of tax you are charged depends on which valuation band your property lies in based on 1991 values, even if the property is newer than this. These are as follows:
Band A – up to £40,000
Band B – £40,001 to £52,000
Band C – £52,001 to £68,000
Band D – £68,001 to £88,000
Band E – £88,001 to £120,000
Band F – £120,001 to £160,000
Band G – £160,001 to £320,000
Band H – £320,001 and above
Check your council tax band at GOV.UK.
How can I pay?
You don’t generally have to pay your whole council tax bill at once. Many people choose to spread the cost throughout the year, paying their bill in monthly instalments.
District and borough councils offer different methods of payment, including:
- cash
- cheque
- direct debit
Online payments may also be available. Please see district and borough websites, or your council tax bill, for full details.
You may be eligible for a discount if you are:
- the only resident aged 18 or over living in the property
- a long-term patient in a hospital or residential home
- severely mentally impaired
or your property may be exempt if:
- everyone living in the property is a student
- it is vacant
- it is a crown property
Other exemptions and discounts apply – full details are available via district and borough websites, above.
Council Tax Reduction
Those on low or fixed incomes, and with limited savings, may be eligible for Council Tax Reduction to cover part of their council tax bill.
Appeals about your Council Tax Reduction
If you think the amount of Council Tax Reduction you have been awarded is wrong, you have a right of appeal. In the first instance you should write to your local district and borough council telling them what you think is wrong.
Appeals about your Council Tax Property Band
If you want to challenge your property banding, you can appeal a Council Tax bill or fine.
What if I have difficulty paying my council tax?
If you are having difficulty paying all or part of your council tax bill, contact your district or borough council as soon as possible. The sooner you let them know about your problems, the more they will be able to help.
What happens if I don't pay?
If you don’t pay, your council will initially issue you with a reminder – telling you when payment is due and how much you owe. For more about non-payment of council tax see the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
Moving house
It is important that you contact your district or borough council tax office if you are moving into, out of or within the area. Contact details for all district and borough council tax offices are available on their websites, above.