Reuse of information
All text content on our publication scheme and disclosure log is available under the Open Government Licence (OGL) v3.0, except where otherwise stated.
If you re-use text content under the OGL, you must include the following attribution: East Sussex County Council, [name and date of publication], licensed under the Open Government Licence.
If you would like to re-use the Council's materials but the proposed re-use would contravene any of the conditions of the OGL, you should contact our Customer Services and Information Governance Officer.
Please bear in mind that materials downloaded from the Council's website are up-to-date versions but items you have obtained from the East Sussex County Council in the past, or from elsewhere, may not be. The Council updates its information from time to time or the data may be out of date if it is in relation to a request made through Freedom of Information or Environmental Information regulations. We recommend that you use the latest versions by referring to the Council's website.
The Council's intellectual property rights, including copyright in its materials, are unaffected by the Council's voluntary application of the OGL. These rights still belong to East Sussex County Council.
Providing you with documents under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations does not give you an automatic right to re-use those documents in a way that would infringe copyright - for example by making multiple copies, or by publishing / issuing copies to the public
East Sussex County Council and/or its contractor(s) owns the copyright unless otherwise stated. You may reproduce brief extracts of the material under the 'fair dealing' provisions of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 (S.29 and S.30) for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.
We do not give permission for information to be used for the purposes of direct marketing.
Images are not available for re-use under the OGL because in most cases copyright is held by a third party. The Council does not grant anyone any rights to reuse images.
Contacting the Customer Services Team
Contact our Customer Services and Information Governance Officer to ask permission and what, if any, additional conditions may apply. Your application should be in writing, specifying the name and address of the applicant, identifying the information source you want to reuse and the purpose for re-use.
For information about what we do with personal data see our Privacy Notice.
Use of logos
The use of any of East Sussex County Council logos on any document or in association with any information signifying that the document or information has been prepared or approved by the Council is not allowed. Our logos are used only on materials generated by the Council or where we have worked in association with an organisation with whom we may have a partnership.
Use of any of the Council's logos without our consent infringes the copyright held in respect of the logos. We do not grant permission for the use of our logos nor is reproduction of the logos in any form allowed. You may contact us on the details above if you are unsure about this.
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