Public health data and research

East Sussex Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNAA) website
Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) identifies the current and future health and wellbeing needs and strengths of local communities.
East Sussex whole-system healthy weight plan 2021-2026
Our healthy weight plan aims to increase the number of people in East Sussex who have a healthier weight.
East Sussex alcohol harm reduction strategy 2021-2026
Read our strategy aimed at reducing the harm caused by alcohol in East Sussex.
SHIFT - Sexual health in the over 45's
A project to encourage people aged 45 and over to pay more attention to their sexual health and wellbeing.
Sussex Suicide Prevention Strategy 2024 - 2027
Read our strategy to reduce suicide and support people who have self-harmed.
The Catalyst: A Creators Collective
An arts and creativity programme to improve the health and wellbeing of young people in East Sussex
The Catalyst programme, a midpoint review October 2023
A review of the Catalyst arts programme, to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people in East Sussex.