Assessment, support planning and review
This factsheet explains the different types of assessment, how we plan your social care support and review how things are going.
April 2024 (FS3)
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Your assessment
We will have an initial conversation with you and/or your carer about your needs. If this suggests that you require ongoing care and support, we’ll complete a detailed social care needs assessment with you. This is usually face-to-face and will be done at a place that suits you. The assessment helps us to understand more about you, your daily life, your strengths and your support needs, and determines if you are eligible for support from us.
To be eligible, you must meet national eligibility criteria set by the government. This means you must have care and support needs as a result of a physical impairment, a mental impairment, or an illness which impacts on at least two areas of your daily life and has a significant impact on your wellbeing.
For more information on the criteria, read our factsheet: Who qualifies for our support?
If you are someone who has a carer, it is important you tell us so we can offer them support too.
We respect your right to confidentiality and will only share information about you if you agree, unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example, if someone is at risk of harm.
Carer's assessment
You are a carer if you look after someone who would not be able to manage everyday life without your help. This could be an adult relative, partner, friend or neighbour. As a carer you have a right to have your own needs assessed. We normally offer clients and carers a shared assessment, if appropriate.
If you are under 18 and helping someone in your family, you are also entitled to a young carer's assessment. We can refer you to other organisations like the East Sussex Young Carers Service.
If the person you are caring for does not want to have an assessment, or does not meet the care and support eligibility criteria, you may still be entitled to support in your caring role.
More information and support for carers can be found in our leaflet: Do you look after someone?
Understanding what you will need to pay
Unlike NHS healthcare, social care and support is not free, and the majority of people pay some or all of the costs of their care. We will complete a financial assessment to see what you’ll need to pay.
If you have more than £23,250 in capital and assets, you will need to pay for your care yourself. This is called 'self-funding'. The £23,250 does not include the value of your property unless you're moving into a care home.
If you have less than £23,250 in capital and assets, we will assess your finances and let you know what you need to contribute toward your care.
Any contribution you pay is payable from the first day of your care and support. There is more information in our leaflet: What you will need to pay towards the cost of your care and support.
Planning your support
If your assessment shows that you have eligible care and support needs, we will work out how much your care is likely to cost, and give you an estimated personal budget. This will help you to understand how much it may cost to meet your needs and to look at options available to include in your support plan.
We will start developing your support plan with you. You can be creative and use support that works for you, as long as it meets your eligible social care needs, is legal and affordable (within your estimated personal budget).
We will work with you to identify your support networks − friends, relatives, neighbours or the wider community − to explore all options.
Your support plan will cover:
- what is important to you
- how you would like your situation to change
- how you will use your personal budget to meet your needs
- when and how you will get support, and any you’re getting already
- whether you have a carer, who may have needs of their own
- how you will stay safe and manage risks
- how much you will pay, and how much we will pay
- any special needs you have, including any cultural or faith needs
- plans for what will happen if things change
- when we will review your support
When your care and support is agreed, you will receive a final personal budget based on the actual costs of your planned care. This may be more or less than your estimated budget.
Your personal budget is the total amount it might cost to meet your eligible care and support needs. The budget includes the amount you are assessed as able to contribute yourself.
You may choose to arrange your own care and not have a support plan.
Managing your care
Once we have agreed your support plan, your care can be set up in various ways. If you’re eligible for support and we are going to contribute toward the cost of your care, you can:
- buy services yourself with a direct payment
- ask us or a provider to buy services on your behalf
- have a mixture of the two
If you choose a direct payment, we can put you in touch with specialist organisations that help people manage their personal budget or employ a personal assistant.
If you are paying for your own care and support, we can still work with you to help you find and arrange services.
Checking how things are going – review
Once your support starts, we will set a date with you to see how things are going. This is called a 'review'. It’s an opportunity for you to tell us what is working or what may need to change. Most people have this review once a year, but it may vary depending on your needs. This is called a 'scheduled review'.
If your needs change before your scheduled review date you can contact us to request an unscheduled review. You, or anyone involved with your care and support, can request this.
Sometimes a review may result in a change to your care and support because your needs or circumstances have changed. This will always be discussed with you and your support plan will be updated to reflect any changes.
What to do if you disagree
We want to work with you, but if you feel that the outcome of your assessment or review has not adequately considered your care and support needs, you can appeal. To do this, please speak to your social care worker within 10 working days of your assessment or review. It may be helpful to provide information that supports what you think.
More information
See further leaflets and factsheets
Contact us to get copies of this factsheet sent to you, or any of the other leaflets or factsheets mentioned.
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