Finding work
Finding a job can be hard but there is support available for people with a learning disability.
Finding a job can be hard but there is support available for people with a learning disability.
Mencap have created 4 easy read guides for adults with a learning disability who are looking for a job.
Mencap have created 4 easy read guides for adults with a learning disability who are looking for a job.
Access to Work is help you can get from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
There are 2 easy read guides to help people understand
- what Access to Work is
- who can get Access to Work
- how to apply for Access to Work
- support for job interviews.
Access to Work is help you can get from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
There are 2 easy read guides to help people understand
- what Access to Work is
- who can get Access to Work
- how to apply for Access to Work
- support for job interviews.
You can also get support from your local Jobcentreplus.
You can also get support from your local Jobcentreplus.