What are we proposing for the A22 in Hailsham and Stone Cross?
Boship Roundabout
- Increase number of lanes and add traffic lights at the roundabout. Provide Toucan crossings for pedestrians and cyclists on the southern arm
Hempstead Lane
- Replace left in left out priority junction into Hempstead Lane East with a roundabout
Eagles Roundabout
- Add extra lanes to access the roundabout. Assign a dedicated segregated left turn lane from the A295 onto the A22 southbound. Add a signalised Toucan crossing on the northern A22 arm
A27 and A22 Golden Jubilee Way Roundabout
- Increase size of roundabout
A22 Golden Jubilee Way and B2247 Dittons Road Roundabout
- Replace roundabout with traffic light controlled crossroads with improvements for pedestrians and cyclists
Detailed diagrams for each of the junctions can be viewed and commented on via the East Sussex Consultation Hub