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A22 and A2290 Improvements Consultation

A22 and A2290 – an important transport route

The southern section of the A22 provides an important route. It links Hailsham, Polegate and Stone Cross in the south Wealden area to Eastbourne.

The A2290 (Lottbridge Drove) in Eastbourne links the southern end of the A22 Golden Jubilee Way with the A259 at Seaside roundabout. The A22 and A2290 corridors provide access for local communities to:

  • healthcare
  • education
  • retail
  • leisure
  • Eastbourne seafront

It is also important for supporting the delivery of:

  • potential new housing
  • growth in the local economy
  • access to jobs

The Challenge

There is often heavy traffic on the A22 and A2290 at peak times. Planned development in south Wealden and Eastbourne will increase the amount of traffic in the area. Without improvements, this congestion will increase. This will undermine the local economy and reduce access to key locations.

We have developed possible junction improvements on the A22 Hailsham bypass and near Stone Cross. These will:

  • reduce congestion
  • provide more road space for private and public transport as well as for cyclists and pedestrians

We are currently seeking Major Road Network funding from central government. This will enable the delivery of the package of improvements to the A22 junctions on Hailsham bypass and at Stone Cross. Financial contributions secured by Wealden District Council from housing developments will support this.

Why do we need to do this work?

Locally, the A22 and A2290 are important roads. They experience high levels of traffic and congestion, particularly at peak times. For the area to continue to grow and prosper we need to upgrade this route.

Analysis of traffic data has been undertaken to understand the use of the route. The findings of this analysis have shown:

  • That as well as local and visitor traffic, the road network carries a large volume of long distance through-traffic.

This traffic enters Eastbourne and the south Wealden area via an inconsistent and mostly on a single carriageway road network. Furthermore, there are often delays and congestion on the route. If we don’t do anything:

  • journeys will take longer
  • congestion will increase
  • traffic will spread onto local roads

This will cause congestion and safety concerns on other roads.
Improvements at key junctions made as part of these proposals will enable us to:

  • improve capacity
  • improve access to sustainable transport on the A22 in south Wealden and the A2290 (Lottbridge Drove) in Eastbourne

The design of the junctions will improve their operation and provide future capacity for the projected growth until 2030.

You can comment on the East Sussex Consultation Hub.

  • Your comments about the proposals for the Hailsham and Stone Cross section of the A22 will inform the business case for these improvements
  • Your comments on the proposals for the southern section of the A22 and A2290 will inform the further development of these schemes. Proposals in this section are at an earlier stage of development and will be delivered subsequent to the A22 proposals

What are we proposing for the A22 (Hailsham and Stone Cross)?

Boship Roundabout

  • Increase number of lanes and add traffic lights at the roundabout. Provide Toucan crossings for pedestrians and cyclists on the southern arm

Hempstead Lane

  • Replace left in left out priority junction into Hempstead Lane East with a roundabout

Eagles Roundabout

  • Add extra lanes to access the roundabout. Assign a dedicated segregated left turn lane from the A295 onto the A22 southbound. Add a signalised Toucan crossing on the northern A22 arm

A27 and A22 Golden Jubilee Way Roundabout

  • Increase size of roundabout

A22 Golden Jubilee Way and B2247 Dittons Road Roundabout

  • Replace roundabout with traffic light controlled crossroads with improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Detailed diagrams for each of the junctions can be viewed and commented on via the East Sussex Consultation Hub

What are we proposing for the A22 and A2290 (Eastbourne)?

Proposals in this section are at an earlier stage of development. They will be delivered subsequent to the A22 proposals

Shinewater Roundabout

  • Add traffic lights to roundabout. Extra flare lanes on the A22 north and Willingdon Drove eastern and western arms. Improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Lottbridge Roundabout

  • Add traffic lights to roundabout. Add extra flared lane on the A2290 Lottbridge Drove south-eastern approach. Improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Birch Roundabout

  • Add Toucan crossings (allowing pedestrians and cyclists to cross together) to the Lottbridge Drove north-western arm and the south-western retail access arm

Seaside Roundabout

  • Junction converted from roundabout to traffic signal controlled crossroads. Widen exit arms to provide capacity to reduce congestion. Add Toucan crossing to the south-western arm

Detailed diagrams for each of the junctions can be viewed and commented on via the East Sussex Consultation Hub

What are the benefits?

Reduced journey times

  • 20% reduction in journey times

Less congestion

  • Through improvements at 9 junctions

New homes and jobs

  • 13,000+ homes and 10,000+ new jobs in the wider area

Safer for pedestrians and cyclists

  • 14 new and or improved traffic light controlled crossings and new pedestrian and cycle way 

Better connectivity

  • Better travel opportunities that interlink with one another

Bus priority

  • Improvements to benefit buses travelling through the junctions

These proposals will provide for new homes and jobs

There is a requirement for new housing in the Eastbourne and South Wealden area. Growth is also expected around Hailsham, Polegate and Stone Cross.

There are proposals for new employment sites on the A22 Corridor with associated wider job creation due to improved accessibility. The following local plans set out the proposals for the future of the area.

The East Sussex Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026

Wealden District Council is currently preparing a new Local Plan

Eastbourne is currently preparing a new Local Plan

Other proposals that provide improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Lottbridge Drove shared use path widening

  • The A2290 Lottbridge Drove shared use pedestrian and cycle path. This currently serves the National Cycle Network Route 21

Shinewater Roundabout underpass upgrade

  • The pedestrian and cycle route passing under the A22 Golden Jubilee Way via an underpass to the north of the Shinewater Roundabout

Junction improvements will also support a wider package of improvements

How to comment

Your comments about the proposals for the Hailsham and Stone Cross section of the A22 will inform the business case for these improvements.

Your comments on the proposals for the southern section of the A22 and A2290 will inform the further development of these schemes.

We would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the consultation so far. The consultation period has been extended by 2 weeks.

It will now close on 3 September 2021. We welcome your feedback on these proposals. You can tell us what you think by 5pm on 3 September 2021 by completing the survey online at: eastsussex.gov.uk/A22-A2290-Improvements

Hard copies of the consultation brochure are available at:

You can contact us if you have any queries via:

Online: East Sussex Highways - contact us
Phone: 0345 60 80 193

If you require any additional help and would like information in a different format, please contact us via our text only service at 0778 38 02 405