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  6. Community transport – Heathfield, Crowborough and Tunbridge Wells

Community transport – Heathfield, Crowborough and Tunbridge Wells


£1, £2, and £3 single fares across East Sussex.  Check our fares page and operator apps and websites for more information. 

Here is a list of operators in this area. Please contact the operator direct for details:

Age Concern Heathfield and District

Areas: Heathfield and surrounding communities. For elderly and incapacitated residents.
Minibus Transport: 01435 866960
Medical Car Service (essential journeys only): 01435 515090
Email: info@ageconcernheathfield.org.uk
Website: Age Concern Heathfield and District

Compaid Transport

Areas: Crowborough, Tunbridge Wells, Hastings & Uckfield
Contact: Mr Mark Gettings
Telephone: 01892 722297
Email: transport@compaid.org.uk
Website: Compaid Transport

Friends of Crowborough Hospital

Areas: Crowborough (hospital patients only)
Contact: Transport office
Telephone: 01892 664626
Email: enquiries@foch.org.uk 
Website: Friends of Crowborough Hospital

HATCH Voluntary Car Scheme

Areas: Hartfield and Coleman’s Hatch
Contact: Linda Graham
Telephone: 01892 771331
Email: linda.graham@hartfieldonline.org

Mayfield & Five Ashes Community Cars

Areas: Mayfield and Five Ashes
Contact: Gerald Shepherd
Telephone: 01435 873575
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 10.30am and 5pm to 6pm

North Wealden Community Transport Partnership Ltd

Areas: North Wealden and adjacent Parishes
Contact: David & Linda Graham
Telephone: 01892 771332
Website: North Wealden Community Transport

Rotherfield St Martin Volunteer Driver Scheme

Areas: Rotherfield
Contact: Jo Evans or Thelma Goulding (Volunteer Driver Co-ordinator)
Telephone: 01892 853021
Email: rsmcentre@googlemail.com 
Website: Rotherfield St Martin

Social Action Project (SAP)

Areas: Wadhurst
Contact: Mrs S Rodgers or Mrs J Wooding-Jones
Telephone: 01892 784191
Email: carilloncottage@talktalk.net 
Website: Wadhurst village

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