What will the registrar ask me?

The registrar needs the following information about the deceased:
Details required Guidance notes
Date of death The date you understand the death took place on
Place of death The name of the hospital or nursing home, the name or number of the house, the name of the street and town. Death can take place in an ambulance, car or some other place without a recognised address. You would need to provide further details. The registrar will provide guidance.
Name and surname The name the deceased was known by at the time of their death. You should also provide any other names the deceased was known by.
Sex Male or Female
Maiden surname of a woman who has married If the deceased was a woman, this is the surname in which she contracted her first marriage.
Date of birth Be as accurate as possible, but if the exact date is not known please provide approximate date.
Place of birth The town and county (or London borough). If they were born outside of the UK, the registrar only needs to know the country.
Occupation The deceased’s most recent or main occupation. You should also tell the registrar if the deceased was retired.
Marital status If the deceased was married or in a civil partnership, at the time of their death. What are/were the names of their spouse or civil partner (including if they are deceased).
Usual address Including the name or number of the house, name of the street, town and county.

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