What is the legal basis for processing your information?
The processing is necessary for the completion of a task in the public interest. This means that your personal data is needed for a councillor to deal with your enquiry as an elected member of East Sussex County Council.
The lawful basis for collecting and using your special categories of personal data for government purposes is substantial public interest or public task and facilitating an elected representative responding to requests. Where special category data is used under these terms, it will be managed in accordance with member policies and in line with the relevant service policy of any Council departments or other agencies assisting in responding to your enquiry.
The provision of additional special category demographic information (race, ethnic origin, politics, religion, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics, health, sex life, or sexual orientation) is not required from you unless it is relevant to your enquiry. If you feel it is relevant and have supplied it as part of your enquiry, the processing of this data will be used to investigate and address your enquiry.