About Highway Land Information Team

What is a highway

A highway is a way over which the public have a right to pass and repass and may or may not be publicly maintained.

Normally the highway consists of carriageway, footway and verge. Highway can also include footpaths, bridleways or cycleways.

The public highway in East Sussex is maintained by East Sussex County Council. Please report any maintenance issues to us at:

The Trunk Roads in East Sussex, for example the A27, are managed and maintained by National Highways. Report issues and find information about Trunk Roads using:

What the Highway Land Information Team (HLIT) do

The Highway Land Information Team (HLIT) provide information about the public highway including,

  • Provide plans confirming the Highway boundary (Highway Extent Search), see our page, 
    - Highway boundary
  • Answer CON29 Highway questions
  • Provide information regarding proposed new roads or alterations to existing roads
  • Provide information regarding road adoptions, see our page,
    - Road adoptions and highway improvements 
  • Provide information regarding private developments that may affect the public Highway
  • Provide Electronic copies of Section 38 agreements and Section 278 agreements 

Contact Highway Land Information Team

Please note that all our staff are working remotely at the moment. If you would like to speak with us on the phone, please leave a message and we will call back as soon as possible. Alternatively, send us an email.

Highway Land Information Team
County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent,
East Sussex

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