Planning applications – personal data, copyright and disclaimer
Please read this information before searching the Planning Register or commenting on an application, using the links below.
We only deal with planning applications for,
- waste (such as landfill sites or waste water treatment works)
- minerals (such as chalk, gravel and sand extraction or mining)
- our own development (such as schools or roads)
For all other types of development, contact your local district or borough council.
Further information about the planning register is available here.
Personal data
Any representations received in response to planning applications must be made available for public inspection, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Access to Information Act, 1985. This means that we cannot treat any comments made on a planning application as confidential.
Any comments you make will form part of the background papers to the planning application and will be available for public inspection both on the planning file and on this website.
Telephone numbers and email addresses given in the correct fields of the online comments form will not be published online. Please do not include these details in the main body of your comments.
If you do not provide or do not wish your name and address to appear on this website or within the case file then your comments will be treated as anonymous and your views will not be taken into account by the planning authority.
We reserve the right to withhold from publication on this website, any comments or parts of comments not considered suitable for public view for reasons including offensive or personal content.
Once an application is determined, representations will be removed from the website only.
The material on this website does not necessarily represent the full extent of information available in respect of planning applications, or necessarily all that retained on the Statutory Planning Register, held by the relevant District or Borough Planning Authority. Certain information may be withheld from Internet publication. Access to the full content of planning applications will continue to be available at the Council Offices.
While we make every effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and accurate, we cannot accept any liability or responsibility should you rely on the information provided and later find it to have been incorrect.
Please do not rely on information from this site as an alternative to traditional searches. If you have any reason to believe that any information is incorrect, please let us know:
- Email: Development Control
The website contains:
- basic data on most planning applications determined by East Sussex County Council since 1946
- decision notices and officers’ reports for all applications determined since 1 October 2006
- full application details for proposals submitted from 1 May 2008
We are currently in the process of publishing decision notices and officer’s reports online for older planning applications.
Copyright Terms and Conditions of Use
Plans, drawings and other material submitted to East Sussex County Council are protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (section 47). You may only use material which is downloaded and or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current planning applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Ordnance Survey maps, and maps created from Ordnance Survey material are subject to Crown copyright. You may view or download this for private and non-commercial purposes only. Such mapping may not be further sub-licensed, sold, demonstrated, lent, or otherwise transferred or exploited without the prior written permission of Ordnance Survey.
I have read and accept the copyright notice, disclaimer and personal data statements
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