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Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

Eastbourne parking review formal consultation

We are carrying out a consultation on changes to parking restrictions in Eastbourne.

The formal consultation is now open and will close on 7 February 2025.

Find out about the changes and provide feedback by viewing the consultation at: https://consultation.eastsussex.gov.uk/economy-transport-environment/eastbourne-2-formal/

CEOs work for NSL, our enforcement contractor, to enforce the parking restrictions in our Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)  areas. They enforce parking restrictions fairly, accurately and consistently. They also:

  • check and report faults with parking signs, road markings and pay and display machines
  • provide advice and information to members of the public
  • help tackle misuse of blue badges
  • report suspected abandoned vehicles

CEOs issue parking tickets called Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to vehicles parked in contravention of the restrictions under the Traffic Management Act 2004. PCNs may be issued on any day and at any time when the restriction applies. Some restrictions, such as double yellow lines, apply 24 hours a day.

When working in central areas CEOs usually work on their own, although for training or for special events more than one officer may work together. Outside the main permit areas two officers usually work together and use a vehicle.

Can CEOs use their discretion?

No. CEOs are instructed to issue a PCN to any vehicle that they see parked in contravention. This is to make sure that enforcement is fair and consistent.

Why are photographs taken when a PCN is issued?

As part of issuing a PCN photographs are usually taken, the number and type of photographs will vary depending on the contravention. These are used to show that the contravention occurred and form supporting evidence in the appeals process.


All CEOs complete training and pass an exam before being allowed to enforce parking restrictions. New officers work alongside an experienced officer to make sure they have the necessary knowledge before working on their own. They are assessed regularly to ensure that they are following the parking guides correctly and are providing a high level of customer service.

No targets or incentives

CEOs do not receive commission or incentives based on the number of PCNs they issue. Neither NSL nor CEOs have targets for the number of PCNs that they issue.

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