What courses are available
Maths and English
Maths and English Functional Skills – City & Guilds
Free Maths and English Functional Skills courses are available with Learning Services. Starting at Entry Level 3 to Level 2. At the end of the course you will take an exam and gain a qualification that is the equivalent of an A-C at GCSE. Courses are accredited with City & Guilds. Find out more at the City and Guilds website.
Multiply Maths Courses
Multiply offers easy access to free numeracy courses and initiatives that can help you brush up your maths skills and help you become more confident with numbers. Whether you need help in managing your bills, budgeting, helping the children with their homework or you want to improve your potential at work.
If you’re aged 19+ and do not already have a GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) in maths, Multiply is available to you.
Multiply offers easy access to free numeracy courses and initiatives where you can gain a qualification, and build your confidence in using numbers at work or in everyday life.
There will be courses and initiatives for beginners and those who want to build on the foundations of their maths knowledge – to more advanced offers such as the free Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification, or equivalent. With online tutorials and content also available, you will be able to learn at a pace that suits you.
You can sign up for updates on Multiply and available courses and initiatives or take the short quiz to understand what currently available offers might be right for you.
If you would like to enrol on this course, please complete our Adult Learning enquiry form.
IT Courses
The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)
The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) is accredited by the British Computer Society. It is useful if you want to use Microsoft Office products to enable you to gain a qualification to work in an office or for general use at home. It is well recognised in industry as a bench mark for the skills a job applicant has when applying for work. This course covers:
- Level 1 – Security online, computer basics and Internet & email use.
- Level 2 – Word processing, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations and Improving productivity in the workplace.
- Single Units at level 1 and 2 in Word Processing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, Internet and Email Use, Computer Basics, Online Security. These units can then be built up into a full level qualification. These units are ideal for people who don’t want to take a full qualification straight away and get back into study.
If you would like to enrol on this course, please complete our Adult Learning enquiry form.
How to Study
- If you have a computer and internet access, we offer online courses where you can work at home and be supported remotely.
- You can work on our computers in one of our learning centres at Eastbourne or Hastings Libraries.
- You need to have at least 4 hours a week available to study.
- You will be allocated a trained subject tutor throughout your course who will help you achieve your qualification.
- Each level takes approximately 12 weeks to complete.
- Exams will be taken in the learning centres at Eastbourne or Hastings
To find out more about all of our courses, visit our website at:
Learning | East Sussex Libraries (spydus.co.uk)
If you have any questions about any of the above courses and would like to find out more, please click the button below to send us an enquiry and leave some details for us to contact you.