About the Definitive Map and Statement

Viewing the Definitive Map

The Definitive Map and Statement are the legal record of recognised public rights of way in East Sussex. They can be viewed free of charge during working hours at County Hall, Lewes.

  • Monday to Thursday
    8.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm

  • Friday
    8.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm.

To make an appointment, contact the Definitive Map Team.

Making changes to the Definitive Map

Anyone has a right to apply for the Definitive Map or Statement to be modified, if they believe there is an error on the map or information missing. This can be completed through what is called a Definitive Map Modification Order. Find out more about making changes to the Definitive Map

Landowners can apply to change the route of a path running across their land by applying for a diversion.

Landowner deposits

Landowners can take steps to protect their land from rights of way and town or village green claims.

To do this, a landowner can deposit a map and statement registering any existing public rights of way and town or village greens on their land. This confirms that no new rights of way or village greens have been dedicated and that public use of the land will not count towards the establishment of new public rights.

For more information, see:

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