
Why choose East Sussex?

East Sussex is a diverse county with urban, rural, and coastal areas with different characteristics. The education sector is made up of a range of providers.

You can find more information about the local context in Excellence for All

In East Sussex, leadership is a skill that is needed from day one as a teacher. Class teachers lead in their classrooms and work with a range of support staff. The development of leadership skills needs to start early in a teacher’s career. East Sussex has a strong school-led improvement system where collaborative working is a strength of the local landscape.

Karen Cromwell, Headteacher at Maynards Green Community Primary School, teaching a group of 5 children
"Even as an experienced Headteacher, I found the prospect of leaving London to lead a small, rural school daunting. A new authority meant different expectations and the need to forge new links with the LA and fellow Heads. East Sussex has a comprehensive HT induction, the offer of a mentor to help me settle and many opportunities to meet the other Heads. The warm welcome and support I received confirmed that choosing East Sussex was the right move." Karen Cromwell, Maynards Green Community Primary School

We provide

  • Continuous professional development (CPD) to support career pathways, from Initial Teacher Training and the Early Career Framework, to early leadership, and on to a range of leadership roles within and across schools. With our partner organisations, we provide access to the full programme of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).
  • Comprehensive support and training, so you can make more of a difference in the classroom and beyond.
  • Strong partnerships with local, regional and national partners provide comprehensive support for professional development at all career stages.
  • A range of career pathways that encourage leaders at all levels to engage in roles that draw on and develop their expertise further. This may be through school leadership or wider system leadership roles.

Find out more about system leadership.

I’ve just completed my first year as a new head in East Sussex. I have really benefited from the fully funded mentor programme and the generosity of support and advice from local heads and the local authority.

In my 33-year career, I’ve seen a large proportion of the teachers come through the apprenticeship scheme.

It's been a challenge, but an exciting one that I'd recommend to anyone with a passion for leading colleagues to get the very best outcomes for our children.

Lyn White, Harbour Primary School

Headteacher induction programme 2024-25

For 2024-25, we will be running our fully funded headteacher induction programme.

We aim to provide ongoing professional development and support for every new, acting, or interim primary and secondary headteacher and every new Head of School.

We have a wealth of experience with serving headteachers, consultant headteachers, colleagues from all departments of the Local Authority and external experts. This provides all delegates with an essential toolbox of skills and knowledge.

The course overview includes:

  • Welcome to East Sussex
  • The school improvement journey
  • An inclusive school
  • The curriculum intent
  • School finance explained and
  • Working with stakeholders

For further information, contact Katie Ridgway:

To sign up, visit East Sussex Learning Portal (ESLP) | East Sussex County Council

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