Letting you know the decision
A response will be sent to you on or before the national allocation day in April.
If your request is agreed the application for starting school in September to the normal age group will be withdrawn. You will need to make a new application as part of the admissions process the next year.
Please note – you will not necessarily get a place at your preferred school. Also if the school you are offered has a different admission authority, they may not agree to allow your child to start in reception at that point.
If your request is refused a reception place will be offered for your child for to start school with the normal age group, and you will need to decide whether to accept or decline it.
If you decline the offer, you will need to make an in year application in time for your child to join Year 1 for the start of the next school year. This online application is available from early June each year. See Applying during the school year for more information.
Whichever year group your child enters, they will need to start full-time straight away if they have reached compulsory school age.
You have the right to appeal if you have not been offered a place at your preferred school. However there is no right to appeal against the year group in which your child has been offered a place.