East Sussex Youth Cabinet

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The Youth Cabinet members are young people aged 11 to 18 years old. They are elected to represent the views of young people in East Sussex.

The Youth Cabinet run co-produced campaigns. These are on the top issues highlighted in the annual #makeyourmark ballot. The Youth Cabinet lead collaboration with other youth voice groups and host events. They work with local leaders to bring about change and improve services.

The Youth Cabinet offer a monthly consultation slot for professionals and decision-makers. They talk to them about their work and gain feedback from young people. To book in a slot, please email the Participation Team.

#EastSusssexYouthVoice Groups

The Youth Cabinet Works Closely with:

How Youth Cabinet works:

Members of the Youth Cabinet gather the views of young people through:

  • Surveys
  • Workshops
  • Events
  • Creative consultation 

They communicate these views to decision-makers and work with leaders to create change. They do this to improve young people’s lives and the communities around them.

Members work in partnership with our Children and Young People’s Trust Partners:

  • NHS organisations and the Integrated Care System
  • Police
  • East Sussex Fire and Rescue
  • Schools and settings
  • District and Borough Councils
  • Government departments
  • East Sussex County Council services – libraries, transport, school improvement and early help
  • Businesses - nurseries, museums, galleries
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations

To find out more about the work of the Youth Cabinet, you can read our 2022-2023 Annual Report here:

Championing Youth Voice 2022-2023 Youth Cabinet report

Projects and campaigns:

Recently, the Youth Cabinet have worked on projects and campaigns that include:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Jobs and the economy
  • Tackling domestic violence
  • Environment, climate change and sustainability
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Knife crime prevention
  • Addressing race equality
  • Improving transport

As a result of the campaigns, we:

  • Developed surveys and events which highlight young people's views and lived experiences 
  • Informed the refresh of the Children and Young People's Plan
  • Informed the Sussex Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing strategy
  • Informed the Children’s Services climate change strategy
  • Helped to develop the Schools Race Equality Guidance
  • Launched Top Ten Tips on Mental Health for parents and teachers
  • Helped to develop and launch the 3-iD Card


Working together as East Sussex:

The Youth Cabinet works with partners in the voluntary, community and public sector. It brings young people together to collaborate with leaders on key issues.

The Children's Services Department produce a Youth Voice newsletter twice per year. to highlight the work of these groups.

You can read:

Autumn and Winter Newsletter 2023:

Spring and Summer Newsletter 2023:  

Support for Children and Young People's Voice:

The Equality, Participation and Strategic Partnerships team support the Youth Cabinet.

Participation colleagues within this team at East Sussex County Council are:

  • Atiya Gourlay: Lead - Equality, Participation and Strategic Partnerships
  • Nic Bryson: Lead – Children and Young People’s Participation
  • Aisling Page: Senior Business Administrator
  • Freya Arbenz: Business Administrator Apprentice

Email the Participation Team

Youth Cabinet elections and members:

There is one student place in the Youth Cabinet for every school and college in East Sussex. This includes all mainstream, Academy, SEND, and Independent Schools. To become a Youth Cabinet member, your peers in school and college must elect you.

If you would like to get involved and you are in another type of setting:

The Youth Cabinet term-of-office runs from March every two years. The Youth Cabinet were newly elected in January 2024.

Current Youth Cabinet members are:

For Eastbourne:

  • Maybel Young
  • Farah Ahmed
  • Ossian McAleece
  • Akeelah Matope

For Hastings and Bexhill:

  • Ethan Seale
  • Henry Kicinski-Mason
  • Todd Burton

For Lewes and Coastal:

  • Shiv Sheth
  • Edith Bryan
  • Lola Grover

For Wealden:

  • Toby Clark
  • Maya Arno
  • Martha Crompton
  • Iris Stringer

For Seaford:

  • Pelagia Lowe
  • Isla Hoch

Email participation.team@eastsussex.gov.uk if you would like to get in touch with a youth cabinet member.

UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) elections and members:

East Sussex elects three members of the UKYP each year. This takes place through an internal vote within the Youth Cabinet.

Current members of the UK Youth Parliament (MYPs) are:

Eastbourne and Coastal:

  • Mabel Young

Bexhill, Hastings and Upper Rother:

  • Henry Kicinski-Mason

Lewes and Wealden:

  • Martha Crompton

Email the Participation Team if you wish to contact one of the UKYP members.

Current campaigns:

Health and Wellbeing

In spring 2024, over 6,000 East Sussex Young People voted in the Make Your Mark ballot. They selected Health and Wellbeing as their top priority. The East Sussex Youth Cabinet will be campaigning on this issue on behalf of their peers for the next two years.

So far this year, they plan to:

  • User test online support for young people who need to access help with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
  • Host a Mental Health conference for Year 7 pupils across the county.
  • Record podcast episodes where they speak with professionals and services who work with children and young people on improving their health and wellbeing.

As well as this, they have recently carried out a consultation with other youth voice groups across the county. They have started to inform how to shape the rest of the work this year on their campaign. At their next meeting, they will start to create campaign plans based on their suggestions and priorities.  

Jobs and the Economy

The second most popular issue in the Make Your Mark vote was Jobs and the Economy. Youth Cabinet members will also campaign on this issue on behalf of their peers in East Sussex.

So far this year, they plan to:

  • Record podcast episodes where they will speak to services supporting young people with apprenticeships, work experience and employment.
  • Help to promote and produce PSHE resources for schools across the county.

They have also:

  • Consulted with other youth voice groups in order to inform their campaign work. They know that it is based on priorities of groups which represent other young people in East Sussex.
  • Hosted an event to bring together youth voice groups from across East Sussex (who then received employability training.)

As well as their campaigning work, the Youth Cabinet are also producing a Youth Voice Hopes and Values Document.

Young people involved in East Sussex Youth Voice groups have been asked how we can work to promote youth voice with:

  • Kindness
  • Commonality
  • Courage
  • Diversity.

The aim of this consultation is to produce a Youth Voice Hopes and Values document. This will lead the way and show our expectations and values when we invite others to work with our groups and attend events that focus on the voice of East Sussex Children and Young People. The document will be produced and ready to circulate to all partners towards the end of this year. Watch this space!


If you would like a copy of the minutes of youth cabinet meetings or previous meetings:

Email the Participation Team

Social Media Accounts:

Twitter/ X - @EastSussexYC

Instagram - @east_sussex_youth_cabinet

Facebook - @East Sussex Youth Cabinet

Linked In - @EastSussexYouthVoice

(24) East Sussex County Council Youth Voice Groups: About | LinkedIn

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