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  4. Advice for practitioners on domestic abuse

Advice for practitioners on domestic abuse

This page is for professionals working with families. For members of the public, see our Domestic abuse page.

Call our Single Point of Advice (SPoA) if you have concerns:

  • that a child might be at risk due to domestic abuse
  • wish to discuss a child protection issue
  • want to make a referral

Tel: 01323 464 222

Please follow our advice about contacting SPoA

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC)
If you are a social worker, please read the MARAC guidance.

Resources for professionals

Change Grow Live (CGL)
A nationwide charity. CGL supports people affected by domestic abuse:
Change Grow Live 

The East Sussex refuge service
Clarion manage the county's refuges. To make a referral for women and children fleeing domestic abuse:

DASH risk checklist
Dash: domestic abuse, stalking and honour-based violence. The checklist helps agencies identify perpetrators. The MARAC resources page has more info on the DASH Risk Checklist

Veritas Justice
Supports stalking victims. Helps workers to identify stalking behaviours. To make a referral: Veritas Justice (veritas-justice.co.uk)

Perpetrators: a confidential helpline
Respect offers a phone line, web chat and email service. Support to help perpetrators change their behaviour.

Support for male victims
Respect provides confidential advice for male victims of domestic abuse.

Intranet resources
East Sussex employees can access the Council's intranet. For webinars and guidance see: Domestic abuse – ESCC Intranet.

The East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership (ESSCP)

The Safer Communities Partnership is a statutory strategy group. It provides strategic leadership on community safety. Its focus is on reducing and preventing crime. Including domestic abuse. It works towards the effective delivery of local services.

The Safer Communities Partnership 

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