Child contact arrangements
Please visit the link below if you have child safety concerns:
The Council does not usually arrange access, custody, contact, or residence. A parent must make safe decisions that are in the best interests of the child.
Please visit the link below for further information:
The website, 'Advicenow' produced this helpful guide:
Useful contacts:
National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC). Child contact centres are neutral places. Children can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members.
Coram Children’s Legal Centre. This is a national charity. It offers Child Law Advice affecting children and young people. It advises on the law.
Residence (formerly known as custody)
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) Cafcass represents children in family court cases. It makes sure the children have a voice and that decisions are in their best interests. They are independent.
Resolution. Advice for parents to manage the impact of their divorce or separation on their children.
Citizen’s Advice. This website offers advice on relationship breakup and family mediation services. You can also visit your local Citizen's Advice office to discuss your concerns.
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