Creative, Cultural, Digital & Media Task Group minutes 5 March 2024
Creative, Cultural, Digital & Media Task Group minutes 5 March 2024
Meeting details
Held Tuesday 5th March 2024, 14:30-16:00
Glyndebourne (Lewes) and Online
Initials |
Name |
Organisation |
Attendees |
In the room |
KB |
Kim Byford |
Co-Chair, De La Warr Pavilion, Talent Accelerator Project Lead |
SS |
Sally Staples |
Co-Chair, ESCC, Team Manager Culture & Tourism |
LP |
Lucy Perry |
Glyndebourne, Learning & Engagement Head |
PC |
Peter Chivers |
Create Music, Director Learning, Skills & Employability |
JC |
Jennie Cole |
ESCC, Part-time Operational Hub Lead & Enterprise Coordinator |
DD |
Daniel Devitt |
ESCC, Health Improvement Specialist |
SH |
Sarah Hinks |
Culture Shift, Programme Lead |
MC |
Mandy Curtis |
18 Hours Ltd, Director |
KP |
Katie Parris |
East Sussex College, Account Manager, Lewes |
NR |
Nigel Ryan |
East Sussex College, Creative Partnerships Coordinator |
DC |
Dermot Clarke |
DWP, Employer Advisor |
JR |
Julia Roberts |
Culture Shift, CEO |
Online |
CB |
Catherine Bell |
Head of Curriculum Hastings, ESCG |
CP |
Claire Pasquill |
Sussex Innovation Centre |
DD |
Dan Devitt |
ESCC Health Improvement Specialist |
DW |
Dan Wallman |
TechNative Digital, Director |
HA |
Holly Aquilina |
ESCC, Employability and Skills Strategy Manager |
LS |
Linda Salway |
Eastbourne College, Head of Partnerships & Art Award |
MK |
Matthew Kemp |
Head of Curriculum Eastbourne, ESCG |
RF |
Ruth Francis |
ESCC, Effective Transitions Fund Project Manager |
SC |
Sarah Cronk |
Switchplane |
SU |
Sean Upton |
Bexhill College, Head of Creative Arts |
RW |
Robbie Warwick |
Random Creation House |
WB |
Willard Barny |
DWP, Hastings Employer Adviser |
Secretariat |
HB |
Hannah Brookshaw |
ESCC, Partnerships & Projects Manager |
MC |
Matt Callard |
ESCC, Senior Business Administrator (online) |
Apologies |
Lisa Nicolaides |
Robbie Mould |
RJM Digital |
Will Callaghan |
Friendly Digital |
Actions arising from this meeting
Action 1: Creative Health Programme - email DD if you would like to join the webinars, to present a masterclass, or to take an active role. |
ongoing |
Action 2: Creative Health Delivery plan to be shared once available. |
DD |
When available |
Action 3: PC to come back to this group in June with an update/discussion on delivery of the People and Places bid. |
PC |
Next meeting |
Action 4: Further discussion on the proposed summit to be bought back to a later task group once date confirmed. |
When appropriate |
Action 5: Acton plan to be shared once finalised. |
HB/Co-Chairs |
Once finalised |
1. Welcome (new members)
KB welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
Previous minutes:
All agreed.
Previous actions:
ALL to send ideas for content of the AI skills event to HA. To discuss further at next meeting – this will be covered in today’s meeting.
‘Creative Health programme’ to be included on next meeting agenda - this will be covered in today’s meeting.
Businesses who would like to get involved with the Steps to Success programme should email RF – still looking, have approximately 60 students looking for opportunities. Ideally local, on East of county, especially in artistic fields. Please spread the message.
3. Creative Health programme
DD shared a presentation on the East Sussex Creative Health agenda – shared with the minutes.
This included:
- an ‘Introduction to East Sussex’ (history, deprivation)
- East Sussex values for tackling health inequalities (linked to economic, health & social sector, access factors)
- pre and post pandemic elements
- prevention and resilience
- rising demand with a declining budget
- embedding creativity/arts in public health prevention schemes and within clinical care
- evidence/research (Fancourt’s review)
- the impact of arts on health (benefits of art therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, etc)
- social determinants of health and public health
- current projects
Question – is there buy in from Council members? Yes, despite challenging budgets there is buy in from senior members, with a lot of work to do with delivery action plan. Already engaged with monthly webinars. Very positive support and communication. It’s still a relatively low-cost offer, compared with other health care. The focus is on prevention to reduce more expensive acute health interventions. East Sussex is looking to become the first Creative Health county (consisting of both rural and urban) to sit alongside existing Creative Health cities.
Delivery plan will be shared with this task group once available shortly as the Task Group can be a mechanism to help develop understanding and map what is available across East Sussex.
Action 1: Email DD if you would like to join the webinars, to present a masterclass, or to take an active role.
Action 2: Delivery plan to be shared once available.
4. People and Places bid
PC gave an update on the People and Places bid, submitted about 12 weeks ago, with a decision due mid-April. Lead partner is Create Music. The area involved is from East Sussex through to Brighton through to West Sussex, with a focus on 14 to 25 age range. Providing opportunities in creative industries, for young people and young adults. The 2 key strands are Building Creative Skills Infrastructure and a Research & Development Programme, to build creative skills hubs, not new hubs, building on and enhancing what is presently there. Co-designing with partners moving forward. Number of partners including; local authorities, East Sussex College, University of Brighton, DWP, Royal Society of Arts, Careers Hubs, and others. Have asked for £900,000 over 2 years, with £160,000 max, so just over £1 million across the 2 years.
Action 3: PC to come back to this group in June with an update/discussion on delivery.
Group discussion:
Interest from DWP point of view – looking at opportunities for 16 to 24 age range, interested in benefits from music and creative industries generally.
Discussion around fundraising skills gap in our sector, currently in demand from job applicants. This also brings opportunities for young people who are keen to work in creative industries, with skills other than creative talents. An exciting time for young people to get into the sector, with transferrable skills.
Discussion on fundraising apprenticeships/training courses, and providers that offer these locally and nationally, and where the fundraising element is a standalone course or is part of a course with a wider remit (such as Business Admin or Project Management).
HA - it is a tricky course to deliver because people don't need fundraisers for 30 hours a week every week. Works better as a module possibly within other provision at an entry level.
Related links shared in the chat:
Chartered Institute of Fundraising
Arts Management Online Short Course – UAL “learn about different funding streams available".
5. AI Skills Summit – scoping and discussion
HA - the Employability and Skills Team organised and ran the 2023 Skills Summit had a focus on future skills. Where are things going? Through evaluation of attendees – request for focus on AI/automation. Planning on hold an AI Skills Summit in 2024 (potentially Autumn subject to timing of the general election).
Areas of potential focus include - what it means for jobs, impact on entry level jobs, how AI can be used for existing roles and efficiencies, etc. Planning on broadening audience reach to include schools and possibly have an evening session for parents.
Keen for this group to give ideas to help shape the event. Thoughts/ideas?
SC - Switchplane would like to be involved, will discuss with colleagues. Happy to put forward speakers.
DW also happy to be involved – currently working on AI research project (such as Digit project with Sussex University) from which findings can be shared.
If you would like to take part in the Digit research project, the team will be looking to meet with up to 40 SMEs who use AI in the workplace to gain their view on how it will change skills in the workplace. Email: if you would like to be part of this.
Also, Silicon Brighton Group would be good to contact.
MK – will speak with colleagues. East Sussex College are embracing AI for teaching prep/lesson plans, etc. Music tutor has been doing research involving AI, so there’s a possibility for them to present.
HA – we’re keen to hear of examples where AI is improving efficiencies in different sectors, and creating new job roles, and being used effectively.
Group discussion around the need to cover associated aspects of AI – opportunities, threats/dangers, ethics, academic piece (with speakers/demonstrations linked to these areas). Important to highlight a current mismatch between local perception of AI impact, versus predicted reality. Important to consider balance – for example, AI needs to not be at the expense of young people’s communication skills (possible agenda item – how to use AI wisely).
DD – will contact HA regarding AI developments in health.
CP – can make introductions at Sussex University regarding ethics. Also, we have launched Sussex Tech Fest (28th/29th January 2025 at the Brighton Dome) – this topic will overlap there. The event is for businesses and students. So there’s an opportunity to connect with the curator of that event, so they complement each other.
Related link shared in the chat:
Interesting doc outlining initial data on impact of AI on jobs:
Action 4: Further discussion on the proposed AI Skills summit to be bought back to a later task group once date confirmed.
6. Teacher Encounters event - Creative/Digital: Scoping and development
JC gave an update on the Digital and Tech Teacher Encounters event, scheduled for 05 July at Bexhill College, led by TechNative on behalf of the Careers Hub. Invitations which will be going out to schools shortly – flyer shared with the minutes.
DW – this project is bridging the gap between industry and the classroom, for teachers/careers leads to better understand the roles in tech/digital, the careers available. It’s also to unpick the current lack of diversity in the industry, and to show that it can be for everyone. We’re keen for task group businesses to get involved. It’s an all-day event with keynote speakers, workshops, and a networking lunch. Please email if you are interested in getting involved or contributing.
7. Task Group Action plan 2023/24
KB and HB presented the action plan, which is being worked on for 2024.
Action 5: Task Group action plan to be shared once finalised.
This included updates on:
Digital Futures fund bid – this was submitted last week by the Careers Hub, focused on raising the profile of digital roles within schools and colleges. We should hear back week commencing 18th March. This has a key element of sustainability of impact, beyond the duration of the funding. If successful, we can bring this to the next group.
SES mapping project focussed on the defunding of vocation qualifications – currently still underway, partly due to awaiting the full list of which qualifications are being defunded. This will be discussed in further detail at a later date.
Increasing employer engagement with the task group to ensure wide representation - identify gaps, to help ‘target’ some potential employers to approach and engage.
8. AOB/Date of Next Meeting/future agenda items
RF – the Careers Hub would like to say big thanks to employers involved, including Culture Shift and Talen Accelerator, with iCan careers event for learners with additional needs yesterday - amazing event, 350 happy learners entertained and enlightened! And also thanks to those who are offering Open Doors workplace visits, including Glyndebourne who had c.150 learners visit last week.
DW – mapping SEND/neurodiverse provision through LSIP research project. Please get in touch if you are involved in these areas. RF recommended contacting Jack Scott from the Careers Hub about this.
East Sussex College are hosting a Creative Showcase on 26th March, invitation to be shared with Task Group members.
Next meeting
The next meeting is on 4th June 2024, 2.30pm to 4pm - online via Teams.