Apprenticeships East Sussex minutes 25 April 2024
Apprenticeships East Sussex minutes 25 April 2024
Meeting details
Held on: Wednesday 25th April 2024 at 10:30-12:30, Online
Attendees |
CB |
Caroline Bragg |
Chair - ESCC, Employability & Skills Strategy Manager |
DK |
Dan Karlsson |
Plumpton College, Head of Business Partnerships |
MK |
Martin Kelly |
ESCC, Apprenticeship Levy Strategy manager |
JC |
Jennie Cole |
East Sussex Careers Hub, Enterprise Co-ordinator |
SS |
Steve Sefton |
University of Brighton, Business Development Advisor |
VP |
Vanessa Potter |
SCTP, Executive Director |
HB |
Hannah Brookshaw |
ESCC, Partnerships and Projects Manager |
HR |
Hayley Robertson |
ESCG, Apprenticeships Team |
Secretariat |
KD |
Karen Dobert |
ESCC, Senior Business Administrator |
Apologies |
JV |
Jonathan Vinney |
CXK, National Careers Service Area Manager |
ST |
Sara Taylor |
Eastbourne and Lewes Councils, Regeneration officer |
CW |
Claire Witz |
Sussex Chamber of Commerce |
DH |
Donna Harfield |
ESCG, Vice Principal Business Development |
GT |
Geraldine Turton |
University of Brighton, Apprenticeships Manager |
1. Welcome and introductions
CB welcomed all and brief introductions.
2. Review of Previous Minutes & Actions
Action 1: Look out for funding to run cross-sectoral apprenticeship mentoring programme. Ongoing item.
Action 2: SCTP and Careers Hub to review section 3 of the AES action plan and highlight where the challenges are.
JC – updated on section 3 areas that the Careers Hub are working with SCTP, e.g. identifying schools that haven’t been accessing ASK, provision for parents/carers, recruitment of apprentice ambassadors amongst Industry Champions. CB - noted the work that has been undertaken to develop the Provider Directory for schools, which helps them to meet the Provider Access Legislation. JC – this is helping to meet gaps for yr 8s/9s accessing information about apprenticeships.
Action 3: ALL to send National Apprenticeships Week events to Skills East Sussex for promotion via the Careers Hub/ESCC. Done.
Action 4: HB to check whether there is someone from CXK on the Health & Social Care task group and let JV know. Done
Action 5: Careers Hub to meet with VP to discuss Apprenticeship Roadshows. On the agenda.
3. Transform update
CB - European funding for the 3-year Transform programme ended in Dec 2023. SCTP did a great job and the project achieved its milestones/targets and we will continue to seek funding, possibly pan-Sussex, as there is interest from the LSIP. In the interim, ESCC see the value in Transform, as the Apprenticeship team oversees a significant £1.2 million levy, including schools workforce. The government have recently announced an increase from 25% to 50% Levy transfer allowance. ESCC have committed to ongoing funding for the next 2 years, bringing Transform inhouse and to be led by Suzanne Green, who was previously overseeing the ESF contract. Please share any comms with your networks; contact
4. ATE workshop – 13th June 2024
JC – the Careers Hub have sent an invitation to the Apprenticeships and Technical Education workshop on 13th June. This is running for the 2nd year in a row, bringing together stakeholders to look at the barriers or enablers to young people engaging in apprenticeships. 8 criteria are scored by participants – this set the strategy and action plan for AES this academic year. The focus of this workshop will be on identifying one core priority. Scoring criteria will be sent out to all stakeholders prior to event and average scores discussed on the day. Scott Monk has agreed to be the independent Chair. Factors will feed into the HUB plan and the AES action plan for next year.
CB – AES members are asked to attend as you have knowledge, understanding and overview of the landscape. HR - confirmed that herself and ESCG colleague have signed up already. SS – new head of apprenticeships and education starting, she will attend the event, it will be their first week in post. Noted that the West Sussex Careers Hub are hosting their event on the same day.
5. Apprenticeship data for year-end July 2023 – report attached
CB – apprenticeship data for East Sussex from the DfE’s ‘Apprenticeships Interactive tool’ (link on last page). Noted drop in starts, down 260, compared to previous year. Achievements 240 higher, unsurprising given the delay to EPAs in 2021/22. The data shows apprenticeships by provider, type, level and age, more than half were over 25. Most starts are in the Health, Public Services and Care. Any comments, especially regarding starts?
HR – noted that ESCG starts were higher this year; VP – noted that many ITPs have reflected on reduced starts.
DK – noted that many micro-businesses may not be taking on new recruits due to economic uncertainty.
6. Partner/stakeholder updates – All
HR – ESCG current focus on EPA bookings. Introducing new standard - Creative Industries Production Technician - in partnership with De la Warr. Hospitality has dropped in engagement. Wages are impacting apprentice retention.
DK – Plumpton is looking at 3 new programmes for the new academic year: Advanced Baker L3, Assistant Farm Manager L4, Arboriculturist L4. EPA booking a constant ongoing pressure, back log and vulnerability re retention to EPA. Announced Agricultural, Environmental and Animal Care Provider of the Year at National Apprenticeship Awards. Engaging with stakeholders nationally, numbers are relatively low in East Sussex. CB – the Careers Hub will be keen to support and promote opportunities. DK – the school liaison team is 2 staff, but great work being done across the county through West Sussex Growers Association going in to schools to demystify the sector. 11th May Spring Fair – 10,000 people last year. CB asked DK to send through promotion for school’s newsletters.
Action – DK & HB to meet re task group approach, promoting Industry Champions to employers to work with the Careers Hub to promote the sector.
SS - University of Brighton - Sophia Goodway, starts as new Head of Apprenticeships & Technical Education on 10th June, replacing Dr David Oloke and will attend the East Sussex ATE Workshop event. Geraldine Turton leaves 5th June, recruitment to role once Sophia in post. Expanding employer engagement staff and investment in data analysis. Currently paused recruitment to Solicitor, Podiatrist and Radiography apprenticeships. Trying to develop demand so apprenticeship provision is delivered separately. New standards for Physiotherapy at degree and masters level, increased numbers for Occupational Therapy and push for Civil Engineering and Construction. 656 apprentices enrolled currently; plan to increase to 800 in 2025. OFSTED due this year.
HB - raised that H&SC task group promoting particular roles, including podiatry and radiography. Steve confirmed that the pause is while they look at how can bring together the allied professions with common foundation training before branch off.
MK – ESCC echo re recruitment difficulty. Growth in new staff and 50% transfer. Trialling 6-week paid work experience pilot to see if increases recruitment of new entrants.
7. Apprenticeship events in 2024 – presentation attached
- Apprenticeship Roadshows – 25th June and 11th July 2024
- Apprenticeship Graduation – November date TBC
HB - account manager for More radio is potentially interested in doing a feature, they have their own awards in Oct. Will put in contact.
MK – ESCC keen to promote social worker apprenticeship pathways again. VP will follow up with him on that.
8. Any other business/next meeting
Any other business
Date of Next Meeting:
ATE workshop, 13th June, 9:30-11:30, View Hotel, Eastbourne (note: this replaces AES on 4th July 2024).