Deputy Chief Executive – Philip Baker
Philip is the Council’s Solicitor and Monitoring Officer and has responsibility for leading the Governance Services Department.
Areas of responsibility include:
- Performance, Research and Intelligence – the team lead on the Council’s business planning processes including the production of the Council Plan, and are responsible for the corporate performance management framework. The Team provide support with research and analysis focusing on the social, economic, and demographic character of East Sussex and its communities and maintain the East Sussex in Figures (ESIF) website
- Policy – ensures developments in national and local policies inform the Council’s planning and our work with partners. Provides support to scrutiny committees, senior officers and to the Leader and Chairman of the Council. The team provides support to the office of the Lord-Lieutenant, an appointee of the sovereign who represents the King in East Sussex and Brighton and Hove
- Communications – works with departments to achieve their objectives, ensuring that the public is informed about the council’s priorities and services. The team maintains the council’s website and responds to media and social media enquiries
- Legal Services – legal team providing legal advice and representation to the Council members and departments, helping ensure that the Council operates legally and that its interests are safeguarded
- Member Services – has responsibility for the governance around the Council’s Constitution and decision-making arrangements. The team provides support and assistance to Members in performing their roles. The team also administer School Admission Appeals and School Exclusion Reviews
- Coroner’s Services – provides staff and services to support the HM Coroner for East Sussex in undertaking the independent judicial role of investigating violent, unnatural, or sudden deaths of unknown causes and deaths in custody
- Telephone: 01273 481 564
- Email: Philip Baker