Application for a Storage Licence

This application is made under the Explosives Regulations 2014

Your personal data is held by East Sussex County Council in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For further information, please see our Privacy notice.

Application type

Tick all categories that apply

Are you applying for a licence where the storage will be subject to separation distances?

See note 5 of Guidance to applicants for help to answer this question.

Applicant details

If you are applying on behalf of a company or limited liability partnership (or, in Scotland only, a partnership), please give its name
If applicable
If applicable
Where applicant is an individual
Where applicant is an individual
Where applicant is an individual
If the applicant is a company, please give the registered office

If the applicant is not the owner/manager of the business, please give the details of the person with management responsibilities for the explosives being stored under the licence.

Out of hours contact details – please give the name and telephone number, including mobile if appropriate, of the person to be contacted in an emergency.

Further details

See Regulation 11 of the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, SI 2005/1082

See note 4 of Guidance to applicants for help to answer questions 3 to 5.

Details of explosives to be stored and quantities

Supporting information

Once your application has been submitted, if there is a fee payable, we will send you an invoice number with an explanation of how to make your payment online.

To find out if you need to attach further information, please see our Guidance to applicants.

  • For supplementary information sheet see note 2 
  • Plan of site - see notes 6, 7 and 11
  • Floor plan (you must submit a floor plan if you are applying for a new licence or if the location has changed) - see notes 8, 9 and 11


By submitting this form you agree to the information provided, in relation the explosives stored e.g. the type and quantity, being shared with the emergency services in the event of an incident. If signing on behalf of a company you should be a Director or enclose documentary evidence that this application has been approved by the board of directors.

It is an offence under Section 33 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to provide false information.