Using personal assistants


This factsheet explains how to check the employment status of your personal assistant (PA).

June 2024 (FS29)

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What is an employment status?

Employment status is the legal status and classification of someone in employment. They are either:

  • employed by you or by someone on your behalf
  • self-employed

If you are using or considering using a personal assistant (PA), you must check that they are working for you under the correct employment status.

Who decides your personal assistant's employment status?

The employment status of a personal assistant is not a matter of choice. The law says it is not possible for you or the PA to choose if an arrangement is employment or self-employment. It also says it is the arrangement between the worker and the employer which sets if the work is done on an employed or self-employed basis.

If you are using a self-employed PA, speak to them about their employment status.

You should read the employing a carer information on the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group website. From there you can also download a copy of their factsheet ‘Is your personal assistant employed or self-employed?’.

You can also contact Independent Lives. They are an organisation that supports people who employ personal assistants.

Independent Lives

Phone: 01903 219 482 (option 3)


More information

See further leaflets and factsheets

Contact us to get copies of this factsheet, or any of the other leaflets or factsheets mentioned.

Email: Health and Social Care Connect
Phone: 0345 60 80 191
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