Looking after yourself

These pages have information about how you can look after yourself.
This includes
- looking after your body
- looking after your mental health
- staying safe
These pages have information about how you can look after yourself.
This includes
- looking after your body
- looking after your mental health
- staying safe
Annual Health Checks

Annual Health Checks are for people with a learning disability who are aged 14 or over.
You need to be on your GP’s learning disability register to be invited for an annual health check.
Annual Health Checks are for people with a learning disability who are aged 14 or over.
You need to be on your GP’s learning disability register to be invited for an annual health check.

An Annual Health Check is done by a health care professional once a year.
An Annual Health Check is done by a health care professional once a year.

The health care professional should give you a health action plan at the end of your annual health check.
It is the health care professional’s job to give you your health action plan.
But you can ask for it if they do not give you one.
The health care professional should give you a health action plan at the end of your annual health check.
It is the health care professional’s job to give you your health action plan.
But you can ask for it if they do not give you one.

Sussex Health and Care have information about support for people with a learning disability in Sussex.
Look at Sussex Health and Care’s webpage.
This webpage is not in easy read so you might like to ask a supporter to look at it with you.
Sussex Health and Care have information about support for people with a learning disability in Sussex.
Look at Sussex Health and Care’s webpage.
This webpage is not in easy read so you might like to ask a supporter to look at it with you.

East Sussex Learning Disabilities and Autism Health Facilitation Team (HFT)
The HFT offer support to people who have a learning disability and/or autism in East Sussex.
They offer support with things like
annual health checks
health action plans
reasonable adjustments
easy read information.
Email - sxicb.ldahfteastsussex@nhs.net
Phone - 07717 421 948
East Sussex Learning Disabilities and Autism Health Facilitation Team (HFT)
The HFT offer support to people who have a learning disability and/or autism in East Sussex.
They offer support with things like
annual health checks
health action plans
reasonable adjustments
easy read information.
Email - sxicb.ldahfteastsussex@nhs.net
Phone - 07717 421 948

The Government has written advice to follow about COVID-19 and the vaccine.
The Government has written advice to follow about COVID-19 and the vaccine.

You can see East Sussex County Council’s information guide about COVID-19 here. This link downloads a pdf document.
You can see East Sussex County Council’s information guide about COVID-19 here. This link downloads a pdf document.
Support for carers

You are a carer if you look after someone who needs your support to live their life
This could be due to
- a disability
- a mental health condition
- an illness.
You are a carer if you look after someone who needs your support to live their life
This could be due to
- a disability
- a mental health condition
- an illness.

Care for the Carers is an independent charity which offers advice and support to unpaid carers.
Phone 01323 738 390
Email info@cftc.org.uk
Website Care for the Carers
Care for the Carers is an independent charity which offers advice and support to unpaid carers.
Phone 01323 738 390
Email info@cftc.org.uk
Website Care for the Carers
Friends Against Scams - keeping safe

The Involvement Matters Team (IMT) worked with National Trading Standards Scams Team.
We made the Friends Against Scams (FAS) training and information leaflets more accessible for people with a learning disability.
The Involvement Matters Team (IMT) worked with National Trading Standards Scams Team.
We made the Friends Against Scams (FAS) training and information leaflets more accessible for people with a learning disability.

IMT have helped to develop an easy read web page with FAS.
IMT have helped to develop an easy read web page with FAS.

You can use the website to learn about
- protecting yourself and others from scams
- spotting different types of scams
- getting help if you think you have been scammed.
You can use the website to learn about
- protecting yourself and others from scams
- spotting different types of scams
- getting help if you think you have been scammed.
Pass it on project
Supporting better mental health for people with a learning disability

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (FPLD) have created the Pass-It-On Project.
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (FPLD) have created the Pass-It-On Project.

The Pass-it-on Project is a project about mental health for people with learning disabilities.
The Pass-it-on Project is a project about mental health for people with learning disabilities.

The project will help people learn about mental health.
The project will help people learn about mental health.

The FPLD have put together an easy read guide to help people take care of their mental health.
The guide is split into 5 parts.
Part 1: what is mental health
Part 2: how to keep yourself feeling well
Part 3: what to do when you are worried about your mental health
Part 4: planning a visit to your GP
Part 5: GP information pack
The FPLD have put together an easy read guide to help people take care of their mental health.
The guide is split into 5 parts.
Part 1: what is mental health
Part 2: how to keep yourself feeling well
Part 3: what to do when you are worried about your mental health
Part 4: planning a visit to your GP
Part 5: GP information pack

The Pass-It-On Project has also made a workbook about
mental health
looking after your mental health.
Please email LDPB@eastsussex.gov.uk for a printed copy of the workbook.
The Pass-It-On Project has also made a workbook about
mental health
looking after your mental health.
Please email LDPB@eastsussex.gov.uk for a printed copy of the workbook.
Learning disability register

The NHS learning disability register is a list of people who have a learning disability.
The NHS learning disability register is a list of people who have a learning disability.

Health care professionals use it to make sure that people with a learning disability get the right support in the right ways.
Health care professionals use it to make sure that people with a learning disability get the right support in the right ways.