Local Transport Plan 4 - Survey Questions Summary
The questions for the LTP4 survey are grouped together into seven sections.
Section A
Questions about the person responding to the survey.
Section B
Questions concerning the vision, objective outcomes.
- B1 How strongly do you agree or disagree with our vision for East Sussex? (select response)
- B2 Does objective 1 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B3 Does objective 2 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B4 Does objective 3 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B5 Does objective 4 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B6 Does objective 5 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B7 Does objective 6 and its outcomes support our vision (select response)? (select response)
- B8 Do you wish to explain or add detail to any responses in section B? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
Select response options are
- 'strongly agree'
- 'somewhat agree'
- 'neither agree or disagree'
- 'somewhat disagree'
- 'strongly disagree'
- 'do not know'
- 'do not wish to answer'
Section C
Questions regarding the principles and policies.
- C1 How Strongly do you agree or disagree with the principles that underpin LTP4? (select response)
- C2 Do the policies in Theme A support objectives 3 and 4 (assuming sufficient funding)? (select response)
- C3 Do the policies in Theme B support objective 2 (assuming sufficient funding)? (select response)
- C4 Do the policies in Theme C support objective 1 (assuming sufficient funding)? (select response)
- C5 Do the policies in Theme C support objectives 5 and 6 (assuming sufficient funding)? (select response)
- C6 Do you wish to explain or add detail to any responses in section C? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
Select response options are
- 'strongly agree'
- 'somewhat agree'
- 'neither agree or disagree'
- 'somewhat disagree'
- 'strongly disagree'
- 'do not know'
- 'do not wish to answer'
Section D
Questions on the Implementation Plan
- D1 How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme A? (select response)
- D2 How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme B? (select response)
- D3 How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme C? (select response)
- D4 How strongly do you agree with the proposed interventions in the Implementation Plan that will deliver Theme D? (select response)
- D5 Have we missed any interventions that will deliver on Themes A, B C and D? Please include the theme reference as appropriate in your response (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
Select response options are
- 'strongly agree'
- 'somewhat agree'
- 'neither agree or disagree'
- 'somewhat disagree'
- 'strongly disagree'
- 'do not know'
- 'do not wish to answer'
Section E
Question regarding LTP4 assessments
- E1 Do you have any comments on the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
- E2 Do you have any comments on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA)? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
- E3 Do you have any comments on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)? response (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
- E4 Do you have any comments on the Habitats Regulation Assessment? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
- E5 Do you have any comments on the Equalities Impact Assessment? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
Section F
Questions on your support for East Sussex Draft LTP4
- F1 To what extent do you support or not support East Sussex Draft Local Transport plan? (Select response)
- F2 Do you have any further comments, not covered in the previous questions, that you wish to make? (open response box, 3,000 character limit)
Select response options are
- 'strongly agree'
- 'somewhat agree'
- 'neither agree or disagree'
- 'somewhat disagree'
- 'strongly disagree'
- 'do not know'
- 'do not wish to answer'
Section G
These questions are about you (equalities monitoring)