Gatwick Airport's Northern Runway Project

Gatwick Airport are proposing to use their standby runway, north of the existing main runway, to enable dual runway operations and to increase the overall capacity of the airport. The northern runway would be utilised by smaller aircraft for take-off whilst the main runway would continue to be used by larger aircraft for take-off, and by all aircraft for landing.

Viewing the application

The application documents can be viewed online

Our responses to the application so far

We have responded to different stages of the process, including:

  • Pre-application stage - we responded to the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report on 1 December 2021.

Gatwick submitted their planning application to PINS 6 July 2023

  • Acceptance stage - we submitted an Adequacy of Consultation (AoC) response over how Gatwick Airport had engaged with the affected local authorities up to the submission of their DCO application 21 July 2023.

Gatwick had their application approved to the next stage on 3 August 2023

  • Relevant Representation – we submitted a summary of what we agree and/or disagree with in the application; what the main issues are considered to be; and their impact, on 26 October 2023.  A Principal Area of Disagreement Summary Statement (PADSS) was also submitted to PINS at the same time as this submission.

Next steps

In terms of next steps, the Examination Stage is likely to start at the beginning of 2024.

A panel of Planning Inspectors will undertake the DCO examination of the proposals.

Ahead of the examination we will be invited to provide more details of our views in writing, including:

  • Written Representation – which will set out views on the application i.e. whether we do or do not support the application and reasons, and
  • Local Impact Report - a technical document setting out an evidence-based assessment of the impacts of a proposal on the communities affected.

Please note the PADSS is not an accessible document. If you require a copy please email the Infrastructure, Planning and Policy team