A27 Reference Group
These smaller scale interventions are welcomed along the A27 corridor. However, they only address short term issues with:
- capacity
- network resilience
- journey time reliability
The A27 Reference Group brings together:
- local MP’s
- local authority leaders
- the Local Enterprise Partnerships
- the business community
In May 2017, following lobbying by this group, the government allocated £3m of the £75m funding identified in the Roads Investment Strategy 2015 to 2020 for the A27 east of Lewes. This was to help develop a strategic outline business case for the offline dual carriageway option. This will be required to support the housing and employment growth of the area in the medium and long term. The study was completed in 2018.
The government’s Roads Investment Strategy 2 (RIS2), which covers the period 2020 to 2025, was published in March 2020. The A27 Lewes to Polegate was identified as a pipeline scheme for the Roads Investment Strategy 3. This covers the period 2025 to 2030. Highways England will develop proposals during the RIS2 period so that they could enter construction in RP3. This does not represent a commitment from the government to construct the scheme.
If you require A27 Reference Group meeting agendas and minutes please contact the team.
Email: Transport Planning