Temporary event signing (PS 4/27)

Purpose of policy

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network. The purpose of this policy is to control event signing on the highway to allow the promotion of local events whilst minimising the inconvenience and danger to road users, and respecting the need to protect the environment.

Policy statement

  1. The Traffic Manager may issue a licence, where appropriate for the following items on the highway:
    a) Signing for local events; and
    b) Temporary direction signs for commercial concerns in rural areas that rely on seasonal trade.
    See PS 05/06 Provision of Traffic Signs and Road Markings – General [196.6 KB] [pdf].
  2. The Traffic Manager is authorised to charge an administrative fee for the issuing of a licence.
  3. These shall be subject to the following conditions and in compliance with current legislation and best practice. 
    a) The event organiser shall accept full liability for any claim which may arise out of the erection of the signage.
    b) Prior to the erection of the signage, details of the location, size, content, layout, construction and material shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Traffic Manager on the provision that it conforms to current guidelines. The signage shall thereafter only be erected in accordance with the approved details and terms and conditions of the licence.
    c) All items shall be fixed securely and safely.
    d) Any necessary planning consent shall be obtained by the event organiser from the Local Planning Authority.
    e) Structural column testing may be required on lamp posts before they can be approved for use. This will be at the cost of the organisation requesting the advertisement although it may be arranged through the County Council.
    f) Any items which have not been approved by the Traffic Manager or do not conform to the above conditions or the terms and conditions of the licence may be removed by the Highway Authority and the cost recovered from the event organiser. 

Supporting information

  • East Sussex Highways Advertising Information Fact Sheet
  • Highways Act 1980
  • Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992
  • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
  • Traffic Advisory Leaflet 04/11 Temporary Traffic Signs for Special Events, Department for Transport 2011
  • Outdoor advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers, Department for Communities and Local Government 2007
  • Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016

Date of last review

May 2023