Street lighting (PS 10/1)
Purpose of policy
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network.
The purpose of this policy is to set out how the County Council will design, maintain and improve, where necessary, the standards of lighting throughout the county in the interests of road safety, to reduce the incidence of night crime and to enhance public safety and amenity.
In carrying out this policy, ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.
Policy statement
1. Design and maintenance
1.1. Routine maintenance works will be carried out in accordance with the agreed standards, as specified in the current contract.
1.2. Design works will be carried out as laid down in the current issue of the British Standard Code of Practice for the design of Road Lighting (BS 5489) and in accordance with a locally developed lighting strategy.
1.3. New lighting columns should be positioned wherever feasible at the rear of the footway and at the boundary of properties, or in the adjacent grass strip a minimum of 0.8 metres back from the kerb face on roads of 30mph or less. A minimum distance from the kerb face of 1.5 metres should be used where this is feasible on roads with a higher speed limit. Care should be taken to ensure that the lighting column does not obstruct the free passage of the visually impaired, push chairs, wheelchairs etc.
1.4. Designs to be undertaken using equipment that has long term economic benefit. Designs should use a 'white' light source (Colour Rendering Index over 60) for all new schemes. LED solutions should be considered if appropriate.
2. Conservation areas
2.1. A three to five year street lighting renewal programme shall be prepared so that its impact on conservation areas may be discussed with local authorities.
2.2. All streets and areas, with the exception of the limited number of streets agreed as part of the Public Realm scheme, will be provided with standard functional lighting equipment. The street lighting in the Public Realm identified pilot streets will be maintained at the current standard (no further deterioration or improvement). In conservation areas street lighting columns will be painted in the appropriate local colour.
2.3. The local Planning Authority shall be notified of proposed street lighting works in conservation areas, or areas of more than local importance, which cannot be specially funded by the Highway Authority, to determine if they wish to meet the additional costs of installing equipment to a different specification and its subsequent maintenance.
3. Adoption of lighting on new developments
3.1. Any proposed scheme under Section 38 and 278 of the Highway Act 1980 should be reviewed and consideration given to the inclusion of street lighting in any agreement.
3.2. For each development where street lighting is to be provided, the standard should be agreed by the Street Lighting Manager or his representative, taking into account the requirements of the local planning authority and parish or town council, and should be in accordance with the current British Standard and East Sussex Highways design specification.
3.3. Any lighting system or powered apparatus adopted by the Highway Authority must be inspected for compliance and suitability, prior to adoption, and will be added to the inventory for maintenance when approved for adoption.
4. Reduction in street lighting
Street lighting will be provided to operate as appropriate and will be installed in accordance with local requirements. Where it is appropriate to reduce street lighting the following options will be considered.
4.1. Part-night street lighting - Lights turned off from midnight to 5:30am in residential streets. After carrying out a site assessment we may install part-night lighting controls in streets in residential areas (switching lights off between midnight and 5:30am). Once the changes in street lighting are introduced we will monitor the sites in conjunction with the emergency services and parish or town councils. This is to ensure that the introduction of part night lighting does not have any unanticipated adverse impacts. This process will identify if any further changes need to be made to the lighting.
4.2 Partial street lighting – Alternate street lights left switched on between midnight and 5:30am on specific distributor routes or estate feeder roads. After carrying out site assessments we may decide that instead of converting all units to part-night lighting we will leave specific units switched on all night on some of the more important local distributor roads or estate feeder roads. These units will generally be located at conflict points such as junctions or crossings or if the current street lights are already widely spaced along the street.
4.3. Dimming of street lights – Light output reduced on traffic routes when traffic flows are lighter. After carrying out a site assessment we may dim most of our brightest (higher wattage) lights on main traffic routes. Dimming to 50% light output between midnight and 6am is generally the most appropriate, although this may vary at some locations. Dimming will only be carried out when traffic flows are low, when a lower level of lighting will have the least affect on road safety. Lights will generally not be dimmed in areas with above-average crime rates, at busy junctions or in town centres.
4.4. Street lighting switch-off - A small number of lights in rural areas may be permanently switched off. After carrying out a risk assessment, we may switch off some lights completely in rural areas or in other locations where there are no houses fronting onto the roads. Once switched off, the lights will be kept in place for approximately 3 years whilst monitoring is carried out to ensure there are no adverse impacts as a result of the changes.
Supporting information
- Highways Act, 1980
- Well-managed Highway Infrastructure - A Code of Practice, UK Roads Liaison Group, 2016
- British Standard Code of Practice for the design of Road Lighting (BS 5489)
- Technical Report 22: Managing a Vital Asset: Lighting Supports, 2007, Institute of Lighting
Professionals - Public Realm Scheme pilot streets, Lead Member for Transport and Environment, 15 October 2007
Version control and date of review
Highways and Transportation Committee - agenda item 9, 1 September 1976
Highways and Transportation Committee - agenda item 9.2, 18 September 1992
Transport and Environment Lead Member - agenda item 6, 27 February 2012
Lead Member for Transport and Environment - agenda item 5, 16 October 2017