Provision of passing places (PS 3/6)
Purpose of policy
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network. The purpose of the policy is to aid consistency in the location of passing places on single track roads.
In carrying out this policy ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.
Policy statement
Passing places may be provided where practical, and an obvious need exists and where:
a) widening of the full length of a country lane would be prohibitively expensive in relation to the traffic using it
b) passing takes place overrunning grass verges, making them unsightly and expensive to maintain
c) the provision of a few well located passing places would preserve the charm of a country lane which is subject to relatively heavy use by motor vehicles.
Supporting information
There is no supporting information for this policy.
Version control
- Highways and Transportation Committee - agenda item 3.5, 22 March 1974
- Lead Member for Transport and Environment - agenda item 5, 16 October 2017
Date of last review
April 2021