Posts on highway verges (PS 8/5)

Purpose of policy

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network. The purpose of the policy is to set out how the Council will regulate and permit posts on verges in order to ensure the safety of highway users and usability of verges.

In carrying out this policy, ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.

Policy statement

  1. The Traffic Manager may issue licences, under terms to be agreed, under which adjacent householders may place approved posts on a highway verge to prevent over-running by vehicles.
  2. The Highway Authority will develop procedures to regulate the above, and set conditions concerning the granting of a licence.
  3. The Traffic Manager is authorised to charge an administrative fee for the issuing of a licence.
  4. Where permission has not been sought, the Traffic Manager is authorised to take appropriate action to remove any posts, bollards or obstacles already placed.

Supporting information

  • Highways Act 1980
  • Well-managed Highway Infrastructure - A Code of Practice, UK Roads Liaison Group, 2016

Version control

Date of last review

May 2023