Passively safe signposts (PS 4/37)
Purpose of policy
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network. The policy is intended to ensure the optimum safety level to road users from highway signage whilst ensuring the best use of the available resources for new, replacement and temporary traffic signage.
In carrying out this policy, ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.
Policy statement
i) For roads with speed limits of 50mph or more, all signage shall be designed in accordance with BS EN 12767:2007 (Passive Safety of support structures for road equipment) and BS EN 12899:2007 (Fixed, Vertical Road Traffic signs), or any subsequent superseding standard.
ii) For roads with speed limits of 40mph or less, all signage shall be designed in accordance with best practice design principles and passively safe posts will not be used.
iii) For temporary signage that will be removed within 9 months of installation, all signage shall be designed in accordance with best practice design principles and passively safe posts will not be used.
Supporting information
- Design Manual for Roads and Bridges TD 89/08 Use of Passively Safe Signposts, Lighting Columns and Traffic Signal Posts to BS EN 12767: 2007
- BS EN 12767:2007 (Passive Safety of support structures for road equipment)
- BS EN 12899:2007 (Fixed, Vertical Road Traffic signs)