The network of roads (PS 1/3)

Purpose of policy

To guide development planning and the allocation of resources to the maintenance and improvement of the roads in the county.

Policy statement

All roads shall be classified in an hierarchy based on the following definitions.

a) Primary Routes – routes forming part of the national network defined by the Department of Transport to serve longer distance traffic between Primary Destinations.

b) Major Distributors – other routes providing the major links with or between the Primary Routes or Primary Destinations.

c) Minor Distributors – other routes of more than local importance.

d) Local Roads – all other roads.

Schedules of the roads allocated to categories (a), (b) and (c) are given in the Appendix.

Supporting information

The hierarchy reflects the supporting role of county roads to the Primary Route Network defined by the Department of Transport. This includes all trunk roads (and motorways) together with certain county roads serving major towns and ports.

Date of review

The network of County Roads was defined in the Transport Policies and Programme for 1980/81 and has since been updated as necessary to take account of subsequent road schemes.

Date of approval: Various