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  5. Maintenance and footway materials (PS 7/3)

Maintenance and footway materials (PS 7/3)

Purpose of policy

To make maximum use of the financial resources available. 

Policy statement

Specific policies

  1. Footway maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the standards as laid down in the Transport Asset Management Plan Maintenance Management Policy Documents (see policy statement PS 7/1).
  2. The budget for the reconstruction of footways shall be based upon the use of blacktop materials.
  3. A three to five year reconstruction programme shall be drawn up so that its impact on conservation areas can be discussed with the local Planning Authorities.
  4. In conservation areas of more than local importance, surface finishes other than black bituminous materials will generally be specified subject to:
    a) funds being available within the annual maintenance budget, or
    b) the difference in whole life costing between the special surface and bituminous material being contributed by another source, for example District Council or Amenity Group or Local Residents.
  5. The Local Planning Authority shall define which streets in their areas are in the conservation areas of more than local importance and shall submit schedules of these to the County Council’s Transport and Environment Department for consideration.
  6. The Local Planning Authority shall be notified of proposed footway reconstruction in conservation areas which cannot be specifically funded by the Highway Authority to determine if they would wish to meet the additional costs of using a different surfacing material and its subsequent maintenance.

Conservation areas of more than local importance

The following conservation areas of more than local importance were agreed at the Lead Member Meeting of 15 October 2007.

Eastbourne borough

Streets within Pilot Area:

  • Meads Street

Hastings borough

Streets within Pilot Area:

  • Norman Road
  • East Ascent
  • Maze Hill
  • Kenilworth Road

Lewes district

Streets within Pilot Area:

  • Western Road (Irelands Lane to High Street)
  • High Street (Western Road to Friars Walk)

Wealden district

Streets within Pilot Area:

  • High Street, Alfriston

Rother district

Streets within Pilot Area - Citadel Area of Rye taken to be the following streets:

  • Watchbell Street
  • Church Square
  • Mermaid Street
  • Market Street
  • West Street
  • East Street
  • Conduit Hill
  • East Cliff
  • High Street
  • The Mint

Supporting information

Black bituminous material is by far the most economical form of footway surfacing.
Special materials such as paving slabs, coloured concrete, paving bricks or blocks
etc. are more costly to lay and maintain and are less capable of resisting the effects
of vehicles mounting the footway.

Date of review

Highways and Transportation Committee – agenda item 8.25, 22 September 1981
Highways and Transportation Committee – agenda item 6.27, 13 December 1983
Highways and Transportation Committee – agenda item 8.25, 20 March 1984
Transport and Environment Committee – agenda item 11, 3 June 1997
Transport and Environment Committee – agenda item 6, 10 March 1998
Lead Member Meeting – agenda item 6, 26 March 2007
Lead Member Meeting – agenda item 14, 15 October 2007