Drainage policy
Purpose of policy
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network.
ESCC is committed to ensuring that it has the best highway network for the investment available. A targeted approach to the maintenance of its drainage assets will ensure that surface water on the highway is captured and discharged appropriately.
In carrying out this work, ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.
Policy statement
- Highway drainage assets will be maintained using a risk based approach and the maintenance regime will, at a minimum, be reviewed annually.
- All highway gullies and catchpits will be inspected and cleaned at frequencies determined according to records of silt levels and local intelligence about flood risk. These frequencies shall be presented in the highway drainage management plan. Where the inspection or cleaning has not been successful, the reasons for failure shall be recorded and remedial action shall be made according to a risk-based approach as described in the highway drainage maintenance plan.
- The performance of the highway drainage asset shall be monitored through drainage inspection records, safety inspection records and stakeholder contact to ensure that the asset is managed effectively. The highway drainage management plan will include measures to mitigate specific identified flood risks.
- All other drainage assets will be maintained as specified in the highway drainage management plan.
- Drainage assets are recorded in the drainage asset register and located using GPS coordinates. The register is linked to inspection records that provide the current condition of the asset, with the records required detailed in the current contract.
- Where appropriate, an emergency response to reports of blocked drainage assets or standing water will be provided.
Supporting information
- Well-managed Highway Infrastructure, 2016, UK Roads Liaison Group
- Guidance on the Management of Highway Drainage Assets, 2012, Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme Board
Version control
- Approved by Lead Member for Transport and Environment, April 2016
- Updates approved by Lead Member for Transport and Environment, 19 November 2018
Date of last review
3 November 2020